Film formation
The study "Studies on film forming corrosion inhibitors on aluminium alloy, AA2024-T3" presents key aspects of the film forming behaviour of the selected inhibitors and the test methods used to evaluate the inhibitor induced films in a chloride solution. This study also aims to provide significant insights to the film tenacity, the influence of the molecular structure as well as the film stability in the absence of inhibitors to provide a deeper understanding of the film forming and film breakdown mechanisms.
154p runthenight04 02-02-2023 13 2 Download
Goals of the thesis: Preparing of zirconia/silane combined films on steel subtrate for organic coatings to replace phosphate and chromate pretreatment; Proposing the mechanism of film formation process and assessing characteristics of morphology, composition, electrochemical properties and bonding of the zirconia/silane film.
27p extraenglish 24-05-2021 21 5 Download
Preparing of zirconia/silane combined films on steel subtrate for organic coatings to replace phosphate and chromate pretreatment; proposing the mechanism of film formation process and assessing characteristics of morphology, composition, electrochemical properties and bonding of the zirconia/silane film.
27p larachdumlanat129 20-01-2021 38 4 Download
Preparing of zirconia/silane combined films on steel subtrate for organic coatings to replace phosphate and chromate pretreatment. Proposing the mechanism of film formation process and assessing characteristics of morphology, composition, electrochemical properties and bonding of the zirconia/silane film.
27p trinhthamhodang7 31-08-2020 20 3 Download
In 2005 it was suggested within a New York Times article that perhaps a university level qualification in film studies could be considered “the new MBA” given the moving image’s extraordinary capacity for communicating messages on a global scale (Van Ness, 2005). The increasingly prominent position of films in the academic library from the early ‘90s onwards has popularly been attributed to the rise of film studies in universities along with advances in home video technology.
90p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 26 7 Download