Fluid Physics
A Abatement: Reducing the degree or intensity of, or eliminating, pollution. Abatement Debris: Waste from remediation activities. Absorbed Dose: In exposure assessment, the amount of a substance that penetrates an exposed organism's absorption barriers (e.g.,, skin, lung tissue, gastrointestinal tract) through physical or biological processes. The term is synonymous with internal dose. Absorption Barrier: Any of the exchange sites of the body that permit uptake of various substances at different rates (e.g., skin, lung tissue, and gastrointestinal-tract wall).
217p holigon10 15-06-2012 473 150 Download
This study uncovers a wide range of complex transport dynamics in transiently forced aquifers that has profound implications for the understanding and quantification of solute transport in these important groundwater systems. And the results in this thesis predict that complex transport structures and dynamics arise in natural transiently forced aquifers around the world. When such dynamics do arise, it will lead to mixing and reactive transport patterns that are very different from those predicted by conventional Darcy flow models.
154p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 3 Download