Friction and frictional forces
The authors develop a system of differential equations describing the motion of the structural system equipped with DFP bearings. The Runge-Kutta numerical method, specifically the ode15s function in MATLAB, was used to solve these equations. The results of the calculations provide a comparison of the damping efficiency of the structural system with and without the use of DFP bearings, assessing the effectiveness of vibration isolation during an earthquake, with three components X, Y, and vertical considered.
5p vibenya 31-12-2024 9 2 Download
This study presents a formulation of the nominal’s coefficient and friction forces generated in machining between workpiece and cutting tool using cutting force profiles. The obtained equations led to the evaluation of coefficient, frictional forces and cutting inserts characterization in terms of better surface finish and lowest frictional forces.
8p tohitohi 19-05-2020 13 1 Download
Describe the frictional force between two objects. Differentiate between static and kinetic friction, study the properties of friction, and introduce the coefficients for static and kinetic friction.
10p kieucongviet 24-12-2009 108 9 Download