Improve the competitive capability
Analyzing the factors affecting the competitive capability of tourism destinations in Bac Lieu and the tourism situation of Bac Lieu province, then proposing administrative implications to improve the competitive capability of tourist destinations in Bac Lieu.
32p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 22 4 Download
The thesis is done based on the research methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. The Party's views on market economic development, on corporate governance and management and development of state-owned enterprises are also a guideline for the research methodology of the topic.
32p trinhthamhodang8 20-10-2020 21 2 Download
Thesis aims to identify and measure factors, which impact to the use of management accounting techniques in Vietnamese SMEs. The findings will be discussed to suggest some solutions in order to enhance the possibility of implementing management accounting techniques in Vietnamese SMEs. It will help Vietnamese SMEs improve their competitive capability in the flat world as the trend of globalization.
24p change05 08-06-2016 94 7 Download