Improving completion in government policies
Based on theoretical and practical issues, this study aims to give the best solutions as well as make further suggestions for developing and improving the policy of HE in Vietnam based on social needs. To achieve mentioned objectives, this research attempts to review literature on a policy of HE in Vietnam based on social needs, study international experiences and the current status of meeting social needs level in HE in Vietnam, as well as explore policy state that has a supportive role to ensure that the universities in Vietnam provide their educational services based on social needs.
31p quenchua 28-09-2019 21 4 Download
Based on theoretical and practical issues, this study aims to give the best solutions as well as make further suggestions for developing and improving the policy of HE in Vietnam based on social needs. To achieve mentioned objectives, this research attempts to review literature on a policy of HE in Vietnam based on social needs, study international experiences and the current status of meeting social needs level in HE in Vietnam, as well as explore policy state that has a supportive role to ensure that the universities in Vietnam provide their educational services based on social needs.
31p bibianh 26-09-2019 9 1 Download