Including diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Patients with diabetes mellitus suffer from an increased incidence of complications including cardiovascular disease and cataracts; the mechanisms responsible for this are not fully understood. One characteristic of such complications is an accumulation of advanced glycation end-products formed by the adduction of glucose or species derived from glucose, such as low-molecular mass aldehydes, to proteins.
11p fptmusic 16-04-2013 34 3 Download
Adipose tissue is an endocrine organ made up of adipocytes, various stro-mal cells, resident and infiltrating immune cells, and an extensive endo-thelial network. Adipose secretory products, collectively referred to as adipokines, have been identified as contributors to the negative conse-quences of adipose tissue expansion that include cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.
9p viettel02 20-02-2013 43 5 Download
Obesity and its associated disorders, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease, have now reached epidemic proportions in the Western world, resulting in dramatic increases in healthcare costs. Understanding the pro-cesses and metabolic perturbations that contribute to the expansion of adi-pose depots accompanying obesity is central to the development of appropriate therapeutic strategies.
9p viettel02 20-02-2013 65 4 Download