Information assurance
Lecture Electronic commerce - Chapter 11: E-Commerce Security learning objectives: Explain EC-related crimes and why they cannot be stopped. Describe an EC security strategy and why a life cycle approach is needed. Describe the information assurance security principles. Describe EC security issues from the perspective of customers and e-businesses.
51p caphesuadathemtac 09-11-2021 16 3 Download
Multimedia communications includes many efficient and highly efficient methods for exchanging information, an issue that is becoming increasingly necessary in the context of the rapid advancement of advanced network technologies such as broadband, wireless networks.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 20 3 Download
Unless agreed otherwise, HortResearch does not give any prediction, warranty or assurance in relation to the accuracy of or fitness for any particular use or application of, any information or scientific or other result contained in this report. Neither HortResearch nor any of its employees shall be liable for any cost (including legal costs), claim, liability, loss, damage, injury or the like, which may be suffered or incurred as a direct or indirect result of the reliance by any person on any information contained in this report....
23p bach_nhat 09-03-2012 53 7 Download
Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học Critical Care giúp cho các bạn có thêm kiến thức về ngành y học đề tài: Inexperienced clinicians can extract pathoanatomic information from MRI narrative reports with high reproducibility for use in research/quality assurance...
10p thulanh18 28-10-2011 58 3 Download