Internal control system
Encapsulation/Reuse Mechanisms –Function Blocks, Functions, Data Types, Programs •Application-adapted Languages –Ladder Diagram (LD) for logic control (“power flow”) –Function Block Diagram (FBD) for regulatory control (“data flow”) –Sequential Function Chart (SFC) for state-machine control –Structured Text (ST) for information processing –Instruction List (IL) for assembly-level programming •A Mature, Internationally Adopted Standard –First edition: 1993 –Second edition: 2001...
25p ahnhea 13-10-2012 67 8 Download
This research is aimed to explore elements of internal control system and evaluate their impact on effectiveness and efficiency of EVN’s operation, with the following goals: Finding factors of Internal Control System which effect EVN’s performance; evaluate those impact on EVN’s performance.
24p beloveinhouse10 28-11-2021 24 2 Download
The study “Completing the Internal Control system in Vietnamese Commercial Banks” has a general objective to assess the current state of the Internal Control system of Commercial Banks and proposes recommendations to complete the Internal Control system in Vietnamese Commercial Banks.
28p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 15 2 Download
General objective: Improvement of the ICS at Agribank according to COSO international standards.
27p caygaocaolon7 17-09-2020 52 2 Download
The research object of the thesis is the internal control system at commercial banks in Vietnam; the thesis topic limits the scope of the thesis's research is the internal control system in commercial banks in Vietnam.
27p trinhthamhodang7 27-08-2020 38 2 Download
The research works were published at international paper mainly focused on diagnosing epilepsy sleep disorders, coma and brain death, stress, depresssion pathological… in automation field as spelling, eye blink, head movement, mental arithmetic… this were performed by offline, no mainly focus on resolving in realtime and in control automation field.
33p gaocaolon6 30-07-2020 45 3 Download
The second essay examines the effect of banking system reform, which is defined by the presence of foreign banks, on investment-cash flow relation in a context of a small transition economy. I find evidence that the presence of foreign banks in Vietnam results in decreasing in firm’s dependence on local banks and has changed their financial constraint. Company investments are less reliant on internal cash flow in the post reform period.
178p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 26 2 Download
The purpose of this study was to test the effect of the application of the system of procurement of goods and services to the accountability of the performance of government agencies in preventing fraud Population and sample in this research is the whole apparatus of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Office of the Province of Papua and the Office of Religious districts / municipalities in Papua who have been involved directly in the procurement process goods and services in each agency.
11p guineverehuynh 18-06-2020 16 1 Download
On the basis of clarifying the general theoretical issues about market risk, methods of identifying, measuring and controlling market risk, the system of market risk management softwares at commercial banks; analyzing and evaluating the status quo of the market risk management in Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade; the thesis proposed solutions to improving market risk management ability at Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade in accordance with international practices.
14p change05 14-06-2016 52 4 Download
The objective’s objectives and research scope: This thesis focuses on researching the internal control system in Vietnam National Chemical Group (both the parent company and its subsidiaries).
12p nguyenthiminh32 12-07-2014 110 4 Download
Workers should ------- their immediate supervisors if they anticipate arriving late at work. (A) notify (B) announce (C) forward (D) arrange 2. The Secretary's ------- remarks had an immediate impact on his audience. (A) final (B) finally (C) finalize (D) finalizing 3. An international shipping system ------- as a way to accidents at sea. (A) considers (B) are considering (C) is being considered (D) has considered control reduce 7.
7p logomay 12-06-2013 92 9 Download
The Hitachi SV1100 utilizes capillary electrophoresis on a microchip that is capable of rapidly sizing DNAfrag-ments. Reproducibility of electrophoresis in different channels was shown by comparing the migration times of the internal controls, DNAfragments of 100 and 800 bp. The range of DNAsizing for this microchip is between 100 and 800 bp, and accuracy in sizing of a 322 bp DNA fragment of a pUC118 PvuII digest was observed, inde-pendent of DNAconcentration. Although relatively good quantification of this fragment was observed with a DNA concentration of 1.
7p dell39 03-04-2013 41 4 Download
The project builds on recommendations on delivery of biocontrol options to Vietnam identified by CABI and UNEP (Jenkins and Vos, 2000. Delivery of Biocontrol Technologies to IPM Farmers: Vietnam. UNEP/CABI Critical Issues Case Studies. CAB International/UNEP publication). The activities will consist of a workshop on biopesticide selection and identification, biopesticide production and product quality control, and on application and integration into farming systems.
8p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 70 4 Download
400. Hủy bỏ chức năng NTFS Last Access Time Stamp Bạn mở Registry Editor bạn tìm khóa sau : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSyst em Bạn tạo một khóa mang tên là NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate (DWORD Value) và thiết lập cho nó là 1 401. 'Internal Error - Disk Group Exists and Is Imported' Khi bạn gặp lổi này bạn mở Registry Editor bạn tìm khóa sau : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\dmio\B oot Info Bạn tìm khóa Primary Disk Group và xóa nó . Khởi động lại máy tính . 402.
7p phucnguuson 17-03-2010 247 156 Download