Internal development of the organization
The research aims to systematize the theoretical basis of road traffic accidents find out the way to determine damage caused by road traffic accidents. Accordingly, a model to determine the damage caused by road traffic accidents may be developed in satisfaction of the following requirements: quick, timely, accurate determination and in compliance with international practices.
28p gaocaolon12 18-06-2021 20 3 Download
The thesis is expected to clarify the theoretical background of competitiveness on the following aspects: academic debate on the concept of competitiveness and its application in policy-oriented works; analyzing the evolution of the concept of competitiveness based on theories of economic growth; overview of theoretical frameworks of competitiveness developed by international organizations.
27p caygaocaolon8 07-11-2020 21 5 Download
The research works related to the thesis topic is very important. In this section, the author delves into an overview of the research works on Internal Audit and Internal Audit Institutions in the country and internationally to draw conclusions of the research projects on Internal Audit organization. research for your thesis topic.
32p trinhthamhodang7 27-08-2020 22 2 Download
This paper conducted an analysis about the best tools and technology that can be adopt as social knowledge management system for lecturer in doing collaboration among units and other lecturers.
12p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 15 2 Download
Strategic planning is a set of intentions expressed as a plan. The plan turns the intentions into reality by focusing on the broad future of the organization based on an analysis of the external and internal environment.
6p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 33 3 Download
The dissertation researches and systematizes theoretical and practical issues on internal audit organization, contributing to further clarifying scientific grounds and bases on internal audit organization in businesses; experience of internal audit organizations in the world and lessons learned when applying to suit the conditions of Vietnam; develop the theoretical issues of internal audit, especially internal audit approach based on risk analysis.
28p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 44 6 Download
This thesis researched the influence of ETBs on exporters from developing countries and their corresponding strategies through a case study of the Chinese organic food industry. Initially, a description of international trade and world export was developed, including their roles in the process of globalization. Trade barriers generated in international trade were then explained, with the focus on NTBs, especially ETBs. Lastly, the link between ETBs and market access was described and then the purpose of this study was proposed.
85p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 48 5 Download
An International development multilateral is an agency or organization — funded by a group of countries, and/or the citizens of multiple countries rather than a single country — that gives aid for international development.
33p nobita_12 14-11-2013 37 6 Download
Now that we have an appreciation for the evolution of the Internet and the TCP/IP protocol suite, let us turn our attention to the structure of the protocol suite. However, since the TCP/IP protocol suite has a layered structure, we will ®rst examine the ISO Reference Model and the subdivision of its second layer by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) to provide a standardized frame of reference. 2.3 THE ISO REFERENCE MODEL The International Organization for Standardization is an agency of the United Nations headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
20p khinhkha 20-07-2010 102 9 Download
Characterization of injury severity is crucial to the scientific study of trauma, yet the actual measurement of injury severity began only 50 years ago. In 1969, researchers developed the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) to grade the severity of individual injuries. Since its introduction, by the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM) International Injury Scaling Committee (IISC), the parent organization of the AIS modified the AIS, most recently in 2005 (AIS-2005).
1p drninh 08-12-2009 71 4 Download