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Tools comparison for social knowledge management adoption to support collaboration among lecturers

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This paper conducted an analysis about the best tools and technology that can be adopt as social knowledge management system for lecturer in doing collaboration among units and other lecturers.

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  1. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 726–737, Article ID: IJMET_10_03_076 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed TOOLS COMPARISON FOR SOCIAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT ADOPTION TO SUPPORT COLLABORATION AMONG LECTURERS Marisa Karsen, Cadelina Cassandra, Desi Maya Kristin Information Systems Department, School of Information System Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480 ABSTRACT Knowledge Management is one important component of an organization in determining the internal development of the organization. Knowledge Management enables organizations to collect, store, distribute, and reuse the knowledge that a company's assets have. Likewise in the area of education, knowledge management has now evolved to be easier to deploy. Many colleges have tried to figure out how to use social computing to collaborate with educators and students in knowledge management. The most frequent problem of knowledge management is the willingness of the user to use or distribute it. The collaboration and communication aspects of social computing or web 2.0 is the basic successful use of knowledge management. This paper conducted an analysis about the best tools and technology that can be adopt as social knowledge management system for lecturer in doing collaboration among units and other lecturers. As the result, one existing technology found suitable for lecturers to be used. Key words: knowledge management, social computing, web 2.0 Cite this Article: Marisa Karsen, Cadelina Cassandra, Desi Maya Kristin, Tools Comparison for Social Knowledge Management Adoption to Support Collaboration among Lecturers, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 10(3), 2019, pp. 726–737. 1. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, Social Computing or also web 2.0 technology is well known by the people. Internet users use social computing to collaborate, share content, and communicate easily through the network and even form a community [1]. The capabilities of web 2.0 now also widely used by various fields. One of the example is e-commerce field, which is utilize web 2.0 that bringing up a new term which is social commerce. Social Commerce allows collaboration and communication between users and even can be the one of business promotion way [2]. 726
  2. Marisa Karsen, Cadelina Cassandra, Desi Maya Kristin With this social commerce, other businesses are competing to add their features to become social commerce. Likewise in the field of education, web 2.0 is used to support learning, then known as social learning where the learning process can also be interesting and collaborate between students and teachers. Various examples of web 2.0 applications that can help in the learning process are blogs, wikis, social tagging, social gaming and so on. Web 2.0 is quite successful to facilitate the learning process of the organization. Every organization in any field must continue to learn about this technology, so that appears the term, which called organizational learning. Learning organization is a process where the organization improves the competence in it either process, procedures, employees, and others. This learning process is closely related to the knowledge management that must be owned by the company. The concept of knowledge management is used by organizations to store and disseminate information and aims to manage organizational knowledge used for learning [3]. Knowledge management is a very important component and must be maintained by the company. Currently, technology has been utilized to support the optimally implementation of knowledge management. Knowledge Management System (KMS) as a tool often implemented by the company to maximize the spread of knowledge through technology. But the success of a knowledge management is not the technology offered, but the willingness of the employees and the knowledge owners to disseminate it. This is because knowledge is a human action, and it has been conceptualized since the first knowledge is used as a company asset [4], so even though company already provided a sophisticated and easy KMS, it will not be useful if there is no human action in it, humans hesitate, or not interested. Therefore it’s very important for the organization to make the person with the knowledge to share the knowledge with others. Companies or organizations need to be able innovate as quickly as possible if they still want to survive in the long term, because knowledge enables companies to grow [5]. An important concept of knowledge management is the activity related to communication, training, dissemination, and collaboration. Overall, the purpose of this knowledge management has the same characteristics as web 2.0 which enables its users to share, communicate, collaborate and collaborate but in an interesting way, that is why social media is so much in demand, users are increasing and even using it happily without coercion. This is a great opportunity in knowledge management area to be collaborated with the social computing to achieve the expected goals. University becomes one of the educational organizations that have a lot of lecturers, so there is possibility of knowledge management is needed for lecturer to share news or collaborate with another lecturers and university staff to run Tridharma of higher education, which consist of lecturing, research, and community services. The increasing number of lecturers is causing the limited information that receive by the lecturers. University should have strategy to get closer to the lecturers without feeling neglected. Therefore, in this study researchers became interested in knowing what the organization needed in utilizing knowledge management when collaborated with social computing, how practical that social computing can be implemented in our daily life because it may have been practiced before, so the results of its analysis can be used to develop social knowledge management for the organization especially higher education like University. Today, social knowledge management is not a new term anymore, the combination between knowledge management and social media is very useful to support the collaboration in this digital era. People are changing, most organization found difficulties in maintain their knowledge management because the employee lazy to share their knowledge in the portal and they don’t interested to collaborate, but on the other side, social media is very popular and anyone very happy to share their experience and collaborate with other people easily, this 727
  3. Tools Comparison for Social Knowledge Management Adoption to Support Collaboration among Lecturers change is due to the change of the culture, people, and also technology. We have change if we want to survive. Social knowledge management is the concept of knowledge management, the purpose is the same as the purpose of knowledge management, the different is the way to deliver that knowledge is in the way how social media works. People will feel more comfortable to share their knowledge and experience using application like social media but the purpose is for knowledge management and collaboration, that’s way it’s called as social knowledge management. In this research, we would like to know how organization maintain their knowledge and keep the information up to date to all of lecturers. As we know, not all lecturers are full timer, they work as employee in industry and they seldom come to university. The problem often faced are lecturer feel less engagement between unit and not many lecturers want to share about their knowledge online, they only can get knowledge if they come to some events organized by the organization. 2. BACKGROUND THEORY 2.1. Knowledge Management Knowledge Management is the process which we collect, group, organize, and disseminate knowledge within an organization to speed up work, reuse best practice methods, and reduce project costs. Knowledge Management can also be defined as a process of coordination between resources, technology, processes, and organizational structures aimed at generating added value from the use of re-knowledge and innovation [6]. By using knowledge management, we can generate new knowledge that is useful for business processes and our daily lives. 2.2. The Objectives of Knowledge Management The objectives of Knowledge Management are: For Individual  KM aims to assist individuals in finding jobs and save time for decision making and problem solving.  Build a sense of community bonds within the organization  Provide challenges and opportunities for individuals to contribute For Community of Practice  KM aims to develop professional skills  Facilitate more effective networking and collaboration  Develop code of ethics from its members  Develop the same language in a group. For Organization  KM aims to trigger the organization's strategy  Solve problems that occur quickly  Developing knowledge that can be incorporated into products and services  Improve the organization's competitive advantage  Build organizational memory 728
  4. Marisa Karsen, Cadelina Cassandra, Desi Maya Kristin By using KM, Organization can become richer in knowledge, so it can be superior compared to its competitors. Organizations here can be companies, schools, and universities. 2.3. Knowledge Management on Higher Education Knowledge Management has been widely applied in higher education, especially on University. The application of knowledge management will trigger the knowledge sharing which is defined as the basis of learning where the process of transfer and exchange of knowledge from various sources and individuals both within and between the organization team. Knowledge sharing itself is a basic part of knowledge management, where the process of sharing information and ease of getting information. [8] knowledge sharing is the process by which individuals exchange their knowledge and ideas through discussion to create new knowledge or ideas. [9] 2.4. Web 2.0 and Social Computing Web 2.0 can be defined as a collaborative and interactive communication concept through a virtual community via the Internet. [10]. Web 2.0 is a business revolution in the computer industry because the internet involves people or people who interact. Users can participate actively, because web 2.0 combines internet users on the web area and knowledge management. [11] With the existence of Web 2.0 technology it can allows internet users to learn how to share content to others by using social media, which is one of the activities in social computing. Through this web 2.0, knowledge management becomes more interactive because it can conduct discussions with other internet users and give comments to each other on the content shared on the social media. [10] 2.5. Social Computing in Higher Education Currently, many higher education, especially universities have adapted the use of social computing to facilitate communication and collaboration among lecturers and students, as well as among the students themselves. Currently students of generation Y generation or Net generation prefer to work in teams that involve peer-to-peer communication. They also love the interactive learning process, so new techniques for learning and research are needed. Social computing in higher education can make it easier for students to join Virtual Classroom, contribute to blogs, wikis, social websites, and create student-created learning materials. Here are some of the most widely used functions of Social Computing: Table 1 The most used of social computing functions[1] 729
  5. Tools Comparison for Social Knowledge Management Adoption to Support Collaboration among Lecturers Chat box is the most widely used in generation Y and the communication of teaching and learning process, teachers can have a group chat to discuss with their student about the lesson. Forum also popular in teaching and learning process, many organization use Learning Management System include Forum inside the system to make more collaboration between them. 2.6. Social Knowledge Management The purpose of social knowledge management framework is to create an environment where we have the opportunity to gather wisdom, and create new dimensions in our lives by helping people to share the knowledge that people gain based on experiences that have been lived according to their age. Previous research has focused on building a social knowledge management framework from older generations in order to share information with younger generations. [12] Social software can support the activities of knowledge management itself, such as blogs, wikis, social networking, social media, conferencing, forums, and other tools that can support the distribution of knowledge. However, both studies have not specifically examined the implementation of Social Knowledge Management in higher education. [13]. According to Panahi, Watson, & Patridge [14], by looking into the characteristic of social media, this is the best way in spreading information for organization. Social media can help people to stay connect, build relationship, sharing information, and trust. This principle is suitable for Knowledge Management principle to support the knowledge sharing. Table 2 Social Knowledge Management Aspects Aspects Description References Social Interaction Is the main aspect of social knowledge Panahi, Watson, & management that they can do the social Partridge, 2012; [14] interaction by communicating, discussing, Boulos & Wheeler, 2007 and dialoguing. The example are chat, [15] forum, and other online interaction. Experience Sharing People learn something from people Panahi, Watson, & Possiblities experience. User generated content is very Partridge, 2012; [14] important is social web and enable people Nilmanat, 2009; Hildrum, to share, telling stories, etc. Every user in 2009 [16] knowledge management possible to share their experience Informal relationship Developing the informal relationship can Panahi, Watson, & & Networking help knowledge sharing. Social knowledge Partridge, 2012; [14] Joia management in organization can also & Lemos, 2010 [17] support informal relationship and also get more networking Observation and Observation is one of potential success in Panahi, Watson, & Listening knowledge sharing especially for tacit Partridge, 2012; [14] knowledge. Social knowledge management can support group by listening to each other by communication more often Mutual Swift Trust By the end, the information of social Panahi, Watson, & knowledge management has to be a trustful Partridge, 2012; [14] information so people will able to share Cheng & Hung, 2010 [18] their knowledge on trustworthy media. 730
  6. Marisa Karsen, Cadelina Cassandra, Desi Maya Kristin 3. RESEARCH METHOD The methodology used in this research are :  Data collection method is done by literature study by doing a review of various literature sourced from journals / articles, books, and websites to get the latest literature for use in this study.  We did an interview session with 10 lecturers and unit PIC to get some information about their work and how they organized knowledge among employee.  After we’ve got sufficient literature review for this study, we create questionnaire to ask the respondent about social knowledge management implementation and tools they have right now. This research was conducted on one private university in Indonesia.  Next, we make a comparison about several technology and tools that have been used by the respondent, and at the end we come with one technology that fit the best for the organization to support collaboration and sharing knowledge among lecturers and unit.  After we got the best technology and application that can be used broadly for the lecturer, we will try to implement it to the organization. 4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Based on the interview result, we conclude that most lecturers and organization unit use social media as the tools for collaboration and sharing knowledge, the most used are Whatsapp, Line, and Facebook. With this culture, when we offer a new system to be implemented for social knowledge management purpose, they give a good impression on social knowledge management because they use social media only for communication in group chat without proper knowledge sharing and integration, but the issue they addressed if they have to use a new application, they afraid it is difficult and need more time to use because of the amount of lecturers and also the work load of unit. Because of this condition, we suggest them to adopt the existing technology and the closest one to their work habit. To know which technology adoption the best for them, we make a comparison between four software or application that can be used by them and we also compare the features that fit best to social knowledge management purpose. Some social media that we compare are Whatsapp (because all of the lecturers and unit has Whatsapp in their phone and they have group chat with their friends), Microsoft Teams (this application is not used by the lecturers and not all lecturers know about this application but in this university, all lecturers have account because of the partnership with Microsoft, it will be possible if they want to use Microsoft teams as a collaboration and knowledge tool), Facebook (some lecturers still use facebook to communicate and get information for organization page), Line (is also the communication tool). Table 3 Comparison between tools that can be adopted Features Whatsapp Microsoft Teams Facebook Line Chat V V V V Favorite V V V Mute Chat V V V V Group Chat V V V V Video Call V V - V Group Video Call V V - V Call V V - V Group Call V V - V Sharing File V V V V Meeting - Connect with - - outlook calendar 731
  7. Tools Comparison for Social Knowledge Management Adoption to Support Collaboration among Lecturers Features Whatsapp Microsoft Teams Facebook Line Save Message V V - V Save File V V - V Translate V V - - Mark as Unread - V - - Mention V V V V Bold Text Need to use V V - special character Underline Text Need to use V V - special character Mark and Color Text - V V - Follow and Unfollow - V V - Like & Comment - V V - View Activity - V V - Invite meeting - V - - Other Things Free V V V V Plus Easier to add Can categorized the Can categorized Easier to add posting posting because topic on specific the picture into because only one page only one page issue and aspect, so albums needed to open needed to open it will easier the user to find the certain shared knowledge Minus Many Not familiar with More likely to Many information lost, information lost, the application use for informal because the conversation because the activity always update to the newest conversation one always update to the newest one From the table, we can see that Microsoft teams seems have complete features that can support social knowledge management. To have more deep analysis, we also conduct questionnaire to more lecturers about what they use in support their collaboration and knowledge sharing, and see the possibilities of Microsoft Teams to be implement as social knowledge management tool. We make questions based on social knowledge management aspect, the aspects are Social Interaction, Experience Sharing Possibilities, Informal Relationship & Networking, Observation & Listening, Mutual Shift Trust. Here are some of the results from the questionnaires. We got 45 Respondents. Social Interaction with lecturers and unit is very important 1. Social Interaction between workers and department is an important things (# Respondent) 40 36 35 30 25 20 15 10 8 5 1 0 0 Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Figure 1. Respondent Answer 1 732
  8. Marisa Karsen, Cadelina Cassandra, Desi Maya Kristin Most of the respondents agree if social interaction is very important for their job in formal form. Today’s media is very helpful to support social interaction. 2. Nowadays, the available media has already support sosial interaction (# Respondent) 20 19 18 16 16 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 0 Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Figure 2. Respondent Answer 2 Many respondent agree if media available today is appropriate to support social interaction. Sharing knowledge is very important and we like to share knowledge with others. 3. I with my collegues are very happy to share the knowledge and activities that we already join. (# Respondent) 30 24 25 19 20 15 10 5 2 0 0 Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Figure 3. Respondent Answer 3 Respondents tend to agree if sharing knowledge is very important. Sharing knowledge include like activities they do together. Sharing Knowledge need Social Media 4. In my opinion, sharing knowledge needs social media (# Respondent) 25 20 20 15 15 10 7 5 3 0 Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Figure 4 Respondent Answer 4 733
  9. Tools Comparison for Social Knowledge Management Adoption to Support Collaboration among Lecturers We asked the respondents about social media in sharing knowledge, 35 people agree if sharing knowledge need social media. This because of social media as one of powerful tool for sharing purpose. Respondent has a good relationship with their colleges and unit in the organization. 5. I have good relationship with my colleagues and my work unit (# Respondent) 25 22 20 20 15 10 5 2 1 0 Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Figure 5. Respondent Answer 5 Most Respondent has a good relationship with their colleges and unit works. This condition proof that the condition for lecturer to sharing knowledge has a big opportunity. Respondent build relationship with others using social media 6. I usually connect with my colleagues by using social media (# Respondent) 25 21 20 15 12 10 9 5 3 0 Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Figure 6. Respondent Answer 6 For about 33 respondents agree if they build relationship most using social media to help them. This indicates that social media is somehow important for them to sharing something and build a good relationship. Colleges and Unit works are willing to hear comment from others 7. My colleagues and my work unit are willing to hear my opinion (# Respondent) 30 26 25 20 15 11 10 6 5 2 0 Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Figure 7. Respondent Answer 7 734
  10. Marisa Karsen, Cadelina Cassandra, Desi Maya Kristin Respondents tend to agree if their colleges and also work units are willing to hear and also give comments to other opinion for improvement. To share knowledge, respondent agree if the trustworthy information is very important 8. I want the information that is available and shared is reliable information(# Respondent) 35 30 30 25 20 14 15 10 5 1 0 0 Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Figure 8. Respondent Answer 8 In sharing information and knowledge, 44 respondents agree if trust is very important. Even though in social media context where informal information probably can be shared, but they need a trustworthy information. Respondent trust the information if it come from unit of the organization 9. I believe that the information submitted by the work unit concerned is useful information for me (# Respondent) 25 21 20 20 15 10 5 3 1 0 Sangat Tidak Setuju Tidak Setuju Setuju Sangat Setuju Figure 9. Respondent Answer 9 Information shared from unit is a trustful information, 41 respondents agree if there is information from unit, they will trust it. We also asked the respondents about what are their favorite communication tool and knowledge sharing tool. most of them answered Whatsapp application is their favorite tool. But they know if whatsapp is only for communication, if they want to collaborate more active, they need more than only chat and group, they need a topic categorization. Beside that, they also not to really trust whatsapp for work, they only use for informal communication and formal communication to make it quick. They will support if there is an application than can be adopted to support social knowledge management. We also make a group discussion with some lecturers after questionnaire. After all analysis, we suggest lecturers to use Microsoft teams to collaborate, some of the advantages using this application are:  Communication in formal purpose 735
  11. Tools Comparison for Social Knowledge Management Adoption to Support Collaboration among Lecturers  Easier to arrange meeting and activities, lecturers often forgot to attend meeting, seminar, or workshop organized by the units because information is only by chat and email  Users can comment to others post and sharing knowledge  The topic can be categorized so it will be easier the user to discuss and share topic.  Lecturers in this organization has a grant access to use this application, and they get the Microsoft member. So, it will be useless if they don’t use it. But, many of the lecturers still don’t know what Microsoft teams is, even though they have account to access the application and free. We try to invite some lecturers to try the application and show how it collaborates with other people and unit. They give us a good impression and probably this application is the best fit application to support social knowledge management. 5. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION We can make several conclusion from the research:  From the result of this research, it can be seen that implementation of Social Knowledge Management especially for interaction media among lecturers and also univeristy is very necesary, and also it needed to integrated from all units to support the lecturers job.  In this research, we also concluded that social knowledge management is not yet implemented in this object of university, the lecturers only use communication tools such as social media to collaborate.  We suggest one application to be adopted for the organization and can be used by lecturers and unit to support collaboration. For several reasons, this application is the best application to be adopted, rather than build the application from the scratch and need some adjustment.  In the next step, we will make an introduction to all lecturers to start use this application and make an evaluation. REFERENCES [1] Hussein, K. A. (2013). A Framework for implementing Social Computing in Higher Education in the Gulf States. UK: School of the Built Environment, University of Salford, Manchester, UK. [2] Huang, Z., & Benyoucef, M. (2012). From e-commerce to Social Commerce: A Close Look at Design Features. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 246-259. [3] Lahtinen, J. (2013). Local Social Knowledge Management: A Case Study of Social Learning and Knowledge Sharing Across Organizational Boundaries. Journal of Information Science, 661-675. [4] McDermott, R. (1999). Why Information Technology Inspired but Cannot Deliver Knowledge Management. California Management Review, 103-117. [5] Velev, D., & Zlateva, P. (2012). Enterprise 2.0 Knowledge Management Development Trends. International Conference on Economics, Business Innovation. Singapore. [6] Dalkir, K. (2011). Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice. USA: The MIR Press. [7] Jonsson, A. (2008). A Transnational Perspective on Knowledge Sharing: Lessons Learned from IKEA‟s Entry Into Rusia, China and Japan. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 17-44. 736
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