Internship reports
English Language Supporters at AM English Center play a vital role in enhancing the learning experience for students. They work closely with both teachers and students, providing additional support to ensure that students have a smooth and effective learning journey. This report outlines the responsibilities and contributions of English language supporters at the Ho Chi Minh branch.
38p batcuop00 11-02-2025 0 0 Download
INTERORGANIZATIONAL ADADTATION , INTERORGANIZATIONAL STRATIGIES, AND FIRM PERFORMANCE A second issue is that there is little or no threat of market entry when competition is among geographically-based school districts. In the absence of entry, administrators of undesirable districts are not likely to face substantial declines in enrollment. Indeed, a reasonable first approximation is that total (public) school and district enrollments are invariant to schools relative desirability.
241p mualan_mualan 27-02-2013 57 13 Download
THE USE OF INTENAL AUDIT FINDINGS IN GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION : AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY In modeling the effects of parental preferences on equilibrium outcomes under Tiebout choice, it is important to account for two key issues that do not arise under choice programs like vouchers. The first is that residential choice rations access to highlydemanded schools by willingness-to-pay for local housing.4 As a result, both schools and districts in high-choice markets (those with many competing school districts) are more stratified than in low-choice markets....
108p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 100 10 Download
UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY YOUTH SUBSTANCE USE AND HUMAN CAPITAL FORMATION In this chapter, I use data on school assignments and outcomes of students across schools within different metropolitan housing markets to assess parents revealed preferences. To preview the results, I find little evidence that parents use Tiebout choice to select effective schools over those with desirable peers, or that schools are on average more effective in markets that offer more choice.
147p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 64 12 Download
UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY RATES OF RETURN TO ADVANCE EUDUCATION IN ALBERTA AND CANADA Parents exert some control over their childrens school assignment via their residential location decisions, and can exit undesirable schools by moving to a neighborhood served by a different school district. As U.S.
200p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 66 12 Download
SUPERVISOR'S MANAGEMENT STYLE AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SATISFACTION IN A PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY The mechanisms typically proposed to increase parental choicevouchers, charter schools, etc.are not at present sufficiently widespread to permit decisive empirical tests either of parental revealed preferences or of their ultimate effects on school productivity
143p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 92 24 Download
SYSTEM DESIGN AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOR IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Hanushek cautions: If the efficiency of our school systems is due to poor incentives for teachers and administrators coupled with poor decisionmaking by consumers, it would be unwise to expect much from programs that seek to strengthen market forces in the selection of schools, (1981, p. 34-35; emphasis added). Moreover, if students outcomes depend importantly on the characteristics of their classmates (i.e.
231p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 90 17 Download
WAGE RETURNS FOR POST -SECONDARY EDUCATION: A COMPARISON FOR SELECTED PROGRAMS BY LEVELS OF EDUCATION AND INDUSTRY TYPE The potential effects of school choice programs depend critically on what characteristics parents value in schools. Hanushek, for example, notes that parents might not choose effective schools over others that are less effective but offer pleasant surroundings, athletic facilities, [and] cultural advantages, (1981, p. 34). To the extent that parents choose productive schools, market discipline can induce greater productivity from school administrators and teachers.
148p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 63 11 Download
The effect of Internal Audit Outsourcing on Financial Statement Users'Confidence in Their Protection From Fraudulent Financial Reporting Many analysts have identified principal-agent problems as a major source of underperformance in public education. Public school administrators need not compete for customers and are therefore free of the market discipline that aligns producer incentives with consumer demand in private markets.
87p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 80 14 Download
THE EAST ASIAN FINANCIAL CRISIS: A CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF FOUR ALTERNATIVE MODELS David Card and Alan Krueger provided the SAT data used throughout. Cecilia Rouse provided the hard-to-obtain School District Data Book used in Chapters 1 and 2. Saul Geiser and Roger Studley of the University of California Office of the President provided the student records that permitted the research in Chapter 3.
328p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 77 11 Download
UNDERSTANDING MANAGERIAL COACHING: THE ROLE OF MANAGER ATTRIBUTES AND SKILLS IN EFFECTIVE COACHING One must live while conducting research. I thank my family and friends for putting up with me these last five years and for helping me to stay sane throughout. I hope that I have not been too unbearable. Much of my graduate career was supported under a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. In addition, the research in Chapters 1 and 2 was partially supported by the Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics at U.C....
106p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 65 12 Download
Tax Motivated Cost-Shifting by Tax-Exempt Organizations I have benefited from discussions with David Autor, Jared Bernstein, Ken Chay, Tom Davidoff, John DiNardo, Nada Eissa, Jonah Gelbach, Alan Krueger, David Lee, Darren Lubotsky, Rob McMillan, Jack Porter, and Diane Whitmore, and from participants at several seminars where I have presented versions of the work contained here. I also thank my various officemates over the last five years, particularly Liz Cascio, Justin McCrary, Till von Wachter, and Eric Verhoogen, for many helpful conversations.
42p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 58 7 Download
TRANSFER OF TRAINING: AN INVESTIGATION WITHIN A TEAM WORK ENVIRONMENT I have benefited from discussions with David Autor, Jared Bernstein, Ken Chay, Tom Davidoff, John DiNardo, Nada Eissa, Jonah Gelbach, Alan Krueger, David Lee, Darren Lubotsky, Rob McMillan, Jack Porter, and Diane Whitmore, and from participants at several seminars where I have presented versions of the work contained here. I also thank my various officemates over the last five years, particularly Liz Cascio, Justin McCrary, Till von Wachter, and Eric Verhoogen, for many helpful conversations.
265p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 75 11 Download
THE RATE OF RETURN TO EDUCATION AND THE GENDER EARNINGS DIFFERENTIAL : A COMPARISON OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE REPULIC OF IRELAND I am very much indebted to David Card, for limitless advice and support throughout my graduate school career. The research here has benefited in innumerable ways from his many suggestions, as have I. It is hard to imagine a better advisor.
214p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 72 11 Download
The employer-employee Relationship: A phenomenological Study of Retention and the Information Technology Worker In University of California data, I find evidence that observable background characteristicsparticularly those describing the composition of the school, rather than the individuals own backgroundare strong predictors of both SAT scores and collegiate performance, and that much of the SATs apparent predictive power derives from its association with these background characteristics.
299p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 95 16 Download
ORGANIZATIONL CHANGE THROUGH THE MANDATED IMOLEMENTATION OF NEW INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY : A MODIFIED TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL A second shortcoming of the validity literature is more fundamental. In a world in which student background characteristics are known to be correlated with academic success (i.e. with both SAT scores and collegiate grades), it is quite difficult to interpret validity estimates that fail to take account of these background characteristics.
207p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 67 9 Download
THE EFFECTS OF CUSTOMER LOYALITY ON PROFITABILLITY Chapter Three turns to a wholly different, but not unrelated, topic, the role of admissions exam scores in the identification of well-prepared students in the college admissions process. The case for using such exams is often made with validity studies, which estimate the correlation between test scores and eventual collegiate grades, both with and without controls for high school grade point average. I argue that there are two fundamental problems with these studies as they are often carried out.
164p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 63 11 Download
The Market for Higher Education: Economic Analyses of College Choice , Returns , and State Aid Policy A thesis Present I find suggestive evidence, however, that her estimates, from a sample of public school students, are upward biased by selection into private schools. Moreover, an investigation of the sampling variability of Hoxbys estimates leads to the conclusion that her standard errors are understated, and that even her own point estimates of the competitive effect are not significantly different from zero....
215p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 63 9 Download
On Fiscal Discipline and the Choice of Exchange Rate Regine This result conflicts with a well-known recent result from Hoxby (2000a), who argues that metropolitan areas with less centralized educational governance, and therefore more competition among local school districts, produce better student outcomes at lower cost. In Chapter Two, I attempt to get to the bottom of the discrepancy. I reanalyze a portion of Hoxbys data, and find reason to suspect the validity of her conclusions.
146p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 51 9 Download
SERVICE PARTS LOGISTICS: MODELING, ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION Chapter One develops this idea and implements tests of the hypothesis that school effectiveness is an important determinant of residential choices among local-monopoly school districts. I model a Tiebout-style housing market in which house prices ration access to desirable schools, which may be desirable either because they are particularly effective or because they enroll a desirable set of students.
210p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 67 14 Download