JavaScript syntax
Contents Client-side dynamic pages JavaScript .Client-side dynamic pages Web page contains programs (script) that will be executed in the client side by browser. Script improve the interaction of users and web page (than HTML) Program is written by different scripting technologies Javascript: Vbscript Flash Applet Ajax … .Javascript, VBscript Javascript: An interpreted programming, a script language from Netscape. Syntax similar to Java but it is not Java Easier and faster to code in than the more structured and compiled languages such as C and C++.
23p nguyenvanhabk1 03-09-2012 61 6 Download
JavaScript is the most popular programming language in the world. JavaScript is the language for the web, for HTML, for servers, PCs, laptops, tablets, cell phones, and more. In this lecture, we will learn: JavaScript functions and events, External JavaScripts, JavaScript output, JavaScript syntax,... Inviting you to refer.
62p youcanletgo_02 07-01-2016 60 5 Download