Lecture Marketing metrics
Lectures "Marketing management - Chapter 4: Conducting marketing research" provides students with the knowledge: What constitutes good marketing research, what are the best metrics for measuring marketing productivity, how can marketers assess their return on investment of marketing expenditures. Invite you to refer to the disclosures.
48p doinhugiobay_13 26-01-2016 93 7 Download
Lecture "Marketing metrics - Chapter 4: Non-financial metrics" presentation of content: Product and portfolio management, pricing strategy, chanel and retail management, marketing communication metrics.
22p bautroibinhyen11 03-01-2017 69 3 Download
Lecture "Marketing metrics - Chapter 1+2: Overview of marketing metric, developing marketing metrics system" presentation of content: What’s a metric, the need of measuring marketing performance,... and other content.
9p bautroibinhyen11 03-01-2017 68 2 Download
Lecture "Marketing metrics - Chapter 3: Market and sales forecast" presentation of content: Competitiveness metrics, market projection. Invite you to reference.
6p bautroibinhyen11 03-01-2017 46 2 Download
Lecture "Marketing metrics - Chapter 5: Financial metrics" presentation of content: Cost, key metrics, price, revenue and profit; key financial indexes.
8p bautroibinhyen11 03-01-2017 46 2 Download