Manual handling
You can do things to prevent or minimise MSDs as they affect large numbers of people across most industries and occupations and have the potential to ruin people's lives. MSDs also impose heavy costs on employers. CASE STUDY: In one year a firm lost 373 working days because of manual handling injuries. This cost about £24 000 in wages paid to absent workers. There were also overtime payments and other costs. The introduction of handling aids, manual handling training, and a rehabilitation program reduced days lost to 74 and wage costs to about £5000....
18p tina_nguyen54 02-09-2013 65 4 Download
Select the correct instructions for the actions in Figure 4.1: For example: A = 2 1. Turn the jack handle anticlockwise to lower the car. 2. Turn the gear wheel anticlockwise to raise the drill. 3. Turn the bolt clockwise to tighten it. 4. Press the top button to stop the motor. 5. Press the largest pedal to stop the car. 6. Pull the handle down to cut the metal bar. 7. Push the bar down to raise the load
12p dien545 24-01-2013 93 21 Download