Military officer colleges
he dissertation clarifies a number of practical and theoretical issues on emotion management skills of cadets, proposes pedagogic - psychological measures to develop emotion management skills of cadets of military schools.
27p guitaracoustic02 08-12-2021 17 3 Download
Based on the practical and theoretical basis on management of practicing activities of cadets at military officers-training colleges in the direction of competence development. Accordingly, the thesis proposes measures to manage practicing activities of cadets at military officers-training colleges in the direction of competence development, improving the effectiveness of management of practicing activities so as to improve the quality of education and training at military officers-training colleges.
27p bibianh 19-09-2019 46 4 Download
Interpret to clarify the theoretical and practical issues, propose basic solutions to implement the fostering of scientific research capacity of students training to become lecturers in the academies and military officer colleges in the current period.
30p change01 05-05-2016 48 3 Download