Mining fuzzy association rules
The objective of the thesis: Mining association rules with time-interval between events in temporal quantitative databases called fuzzy time-interval association rules; mining sequential patterns with time-interval between events in temporal quantitative sequential databases called fuzzy sequential patterns with fuzzy time intervals; mining common sequential rules with time-interval between events in temporal quantitative sequential databases called fuzzy common sequential rules with fuzzy time intervals.
27p beloveinhouse01 15-08-2021 15 4 Download
Study methods of semantically expressing fuzzy concepts based the MF or other mathematical methods providing that they express the semantics of the most suitable concepts; studying methods of knowledge exploitation in general and fuzzy rules in particular; sesearch different data representations of information so that it can be exploited in ARs in a diverse and meaningful way.
26p capheviahe26 25-01-2021 19 4 Download