Mixing intensification
Objectives of this study: To determine the optimum solid concentration that can be used in mixing vessel under baffled and unbaffled conditions using various impeller types; To study the effects of design and operating conditions on the suspension performance; To improve the minerals treatment processes while maintaining as much as possible the current design to minimize the operating costs.
125p runthenight07 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
The main aims of this study are to: understand the phenomena of isolated mixing regions (IMRs) in Newtonian fluids agitated in mechanically stirred vessels, in particular, the formation of core torus, using experimental studies; investigate the behavior of IMRs structures by manipulating the operating variables such as impeller rotational speed and direction, as well as geometrical variables such as impeller types and baffle location; investigate the temporal chaotic mixing using different speed modulation protocols.
94p runthenight07 01-03-2023 14 3 Download