Modeling by a mobile robot
Research Objective: Research and propose a novel adaptive trajectory tracking algorithm for FWOMR ‘s nonlinear uncertain model which is influenced by the change of robot parameters and the effect of noise when operating on another plane. Construct the physical model of FWOMR and the controller based on the microchip and embedded programming technique to experiment with the proposed algorithms.
27p extraenglish 24-05-2021 26 7 Download
Research and propose a novel adaptive trajectory tracking algorithm for FWOMR ‘s nonlinear uncertain model which is influenced by the change of robot parameters and the effect of noise when operating on another plane; construct the physical model of FWOMR and the controller based on the microchip and embedded programming technique to experiment with the proposed algorithms.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 9 3 Download
Research and propose a novel adaptive trajectory tracking algorithm for FWOMR ‘s nonlinear uncertain model which is influenced by the change of robot parameters and the effect of noise when operating on another plane; construct the physical model of FWOMR and the controller based on the microchip and embedded programming technique to experiment with the proposed algorithms.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 13 5 Download
The objective of the thesis is to propose some new control methods to compensate for the negative effects of pattern uncertainty, external noise and wheel slip. Analyze and build dynamic and kinetic models of mobile robots when model uncertainties exist. Demonstrating the correctness and effectiveness of new control methods by the Lyapunov stability standard and Barbalat lemma. Advanced domestic and foreign control methods for mobile robots in the presence of uncertainty models, external noise, and wheel slip. Then propose new control methods.
26p xacxuoc4321 09-07-2019 38 3 Download