Music composition
This project is an investigation of melodic drum-kit practices in popular and contemporary music. The development of melodic drum-kit playing techniques has helped create a more inclusive role for drum-kit players within ensembles and has increased the potential for drum-kit players to present solo elements in performance. The project artefacts of my research are six compositions presented on CD. They demonstrate performance and compositional techniques that encourage a melodic approach to drum-kit performance.
111p runthenight05 01-03-2023 9 3 Download
This research project investigates the relationship between music composition, particularly electronic pop, and sound design (the editing/mixing of sound for cinema), with its main focus on Multi-channel (Surround Sound) techniques. It proposes new practices that extend music compositional tools into embracing spatial techniques employed by sound design. My research encompasses both the conceptual development (ie spatial techniques in creating narratives) and the practical issues relating to the production and technology needed for such works.
44p runthenight07 01-03-2023 9 4 Download
This research examines how parametric loudspeakers may be considered unique acousmatic musical instruments; how the parametric acoustic array (PAA) can potentially make new forms of music and listening experiences; and how PAA-design problems can be overcome. Interdisciplinary in nature, the study uses grounded theory and experimental music practice within a design research methodology. Theory emerges from data, in concert with analysis and framing that draws on areas such as electroacoustic music, spatial composition, acoustics, PAA science/theory, modulation theory, and medium theory.
177p runthenight04 02-02-2023 2 2 Download
Surface resonance is a sound and tactile sensation research project. Through compositions and an installation, author focused on felt and heard vibration, how they are perceived and how they contribute to the experience of sound. The author this paper explored vibration as a product of low frequency (bass) sound, drawing inspiration from musical contexts where sensation from sound is emphasised.
112p runordie3 06-07-2022 5 1 Download