Negative 131/i whole body scan
To investigate clinical, paraclinical and 18F-FDGPET/CTimaging characteristics of postsurgical differentiated thyroid cancerpatients post RAI therapy with high serum thyroglobulin and negative 131I whole body scan. To determine the diagnostic values of 18 F-FDG-PET/CT in postsurgical differentiated thyroid cancer patients post RAI therapy with high serum thyroglobulin and negative 131 I whole body scan.
27p kequaidan12 03-06-2021 37 4 Download
To investigate clinical, paraclinical and 18F-FDGPET/CTimaging characteristics of postsurgical differentiated thyroid cancerpatients post RAI therapy with high serum thyroglobulin and negative 131I whole body scan. To determine the diagnostic values of 18 F-FDG-PET/CT in postsurgical differentiated thyroid cancer patients post RAI therapy with high serum thyroglobulin and negative 131 I whole body scan.
27p kequaidan7 01-09-2020 36 3 Download