Newton’s method
In this research, the isogeometric finite element method is used to discretise the displacement domain of strutures in the first step. The primal-dual algorithm based upon the von Mises yield criterion and a Newton-like iteration is used in the second step to solve optimization problem.
157p capheviahe28 01-03-2021 7 2 Download
In this paper, a simplified method is proposed for deriving equilibrium equations in continuous systems. The new method is indeed the direct applying of Newton’s laws on free body diagram of point.
10p tohitohi 19-05-2020 13 0 Download
The results of this thesis are: Propose and prove the strong convergence of a new modification of the Newton-Kantorovich iterative regularization method (0.6) to solve the problem (0.1) with A is a monotone mapping from Banach space E into the dual space E ∗ , which overcomes the drawbacks of method (0.6).
26p xacxuoc4321 09-07-2019 27 5 Download
Bài giảng Applied numerical methods (Ứng dụng phương pháp tính số) - Chương 5: Vi phân và tích phân. Nội dung cụ thể trong chương này: Lấy vi phân các hàm giải tích, lấy vi phân các hàm rời rạc, sai phân xác định và đạo hàm bậc hai (Finite differences and second order derivatives), phương pháp Newton và phương pháp Simpson, phương pháp Monte-Carlo. Tích phân nhiều chiều.
15p whocare_d 22-09-2016 75 9 Download
A FUNCTIONAL-ANALYTIC METHOD FOR THE STUDY OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS EUGENIA N. PETROPOULOU AND PANAYIOTIS D. SIAFARIKAS Received 29 October 2003 and in revised form 10 February 2004 We will give the generalization of a recently developed functional-analytic method for studying linear and nonlinear, ordinary and partial, difference equations in the 1 and 2 p p spaces, p ∈ N, p ≥ 1.
12p sting12 10-03-2012 37 5 Download