Nghe Tinh language culture
Research purpose: Clarifying some characteristics of the dialogue of notices responding to the communication of Nghe Tinh people in terms of structure and semantics. At the same time, aiming to point out some cultural characteristics of Nghe Tinh's behavior when realizing this dialogue. From there, orient the use of notification-response action in a theoretical and practical manner.
21p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 11 2 Download
Objectives: In pointing out this topic, we focus on surveying some language - cultural characteristics of Nghe Tinh agriculture vovabulary on basic aspects (structure, semantics - identification, culture) for vocabulary classes have been surveyed in agreement with certain criterias. The specific vocabulary classes are: class of tools, instruments, varieties or breeds, farmlands; class of agricultural processes and activities; class of products and finished products; class of environment, seasonal.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 8 3 Download