Oil lubrication
This study applied diesel oil, and oil from two non-edible plant seeds which are Hura crepitans and Calophyllum inophyllum. These non-edible oils were extracted from their seeds using the soxhlet extractor and used in the oil-in-water emulsion mud.
16p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 13 1 Download
The velocity at which radiation travels (or propagates) through a medium is dependent on the medium itself When radiation travels through a medium and does not undergo a frequency change, it cannot be undergoing a permanent energy transfer However, radiation can still interact with the medium – Radiation, an EM field, polarizes the electron clouds of atoms in the medium – Polarization is a temporary deformation of the electron clouds
14p qdung92ct 03-07-2012 72 5 Download
IUPAC Definition: chromatography is a physical method of separation in which the components to be separated are distributed between two phases, one of which is stationary while the other moves in a definite direction Stationary phase (SP): common name for the column packing material in any type of chromatography Mobile phase (MP): liquid media that continuously flows through the column and carries the analytes Analyte: the chemical species being investigated (detected and quantitatively measured) by an analytical method...
19p qdung92ct 03-07-2012 82 10 Download
Matched against a wide range of spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques, the techniques of electroanalytical chemistry find an important role for several reasons: – Electroanalytical methods are often specific for a particular oxidation state of an element – Electrochemical instrumentation is relatively inexpensive and can be miniaturized – Electroanalytical methods provide information about activities (rather than concentration)
19p qdung92ct 03-07-2012 77 5 Download
UV-Visible spectra can be interpreted to help determine molecular structure, but this is presently confined to the analysis of electron behavior in known compounds. Information from other techniques (NMR, MS, IR) is usually far more useful for structural analysis However, UV-Vis evidence should not be ignored!
18p qdung92ct 03-07-2012 58 4 Download
Aldehydes and Ketones – Form acetals and ketals respectively with normal methanol-containing reagents – Water formed in this reaction will then be titrated to give erroneously high water results – With aldehydes a second side reaction can take place, consuming water, which can lead to sample water content being underestimated – Replacing methanol with another solvent can solve the difficulties (commercial reagents are widely available)
14p qdung92ct 03-07-2012 73 6 Download
VACUUM DISTILLATION TOWER In order to further distill the residuum from the atmospheric tower at higher temperatures, reduced pressure is required to prevent thermal cracking. The process takes place in one vacuum distillation tower. The principles of vacuum distillation resemble those of fractional distillation and, except that larger-diameter columns are used to maintain comparable vapor velocities at the reduced pressures, the equipment is also similar.
6p vitconsieuquay 19-08-2011 305 141 Download