Oil refining processes
Lubricants are segmented into Automotive, Industrial, Marines & Specialties (60% volume for global Automotive Lubricants). Products are blended to qualities established by SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) and OEMs (Original Equipment Manufactures).
133p ntchung8894 18-02-2014 67 7 Download
CRUDE OIL DISTILLATION (FRACTIONATION) 1. Description The first step in the refining process is the separation of crude oil into various fractions or straight-run cuts by distillation in atmospheric and vacuum towers. The main fractions or "cuts" obtained can be classified in order of decreasing volatility into gases, light distillates, middle distillates, gas oils, and residuum. 2. Atmospheric Distillation Tower At the refinery, the desalted crude feedstock is preheated using recovered process heat. ...
8p vitconsieuquay 19-08-2011 290 147 Download
REFINING OPERATIONS Petroleum refining operations can be separated into five basic areas: 1. Fractionation (distillation) is the separation of crude oil in atmospheric and vacuum distillation towers into different "fractions" or "cuts." 2. Conversion processes change the size and/or structure of hydrocarbon molecules. These processes include: − Decomposition by thermal and catalytic cracking; − Unification through alkylation and polymerization; − Alteration with isomerization and catalytic reforming. ...
5p vitconsieuquay 19-08-2011 337 162 Download