Paraclinical features
University graduation dissertation "Clinical and paraclinical features of liver injury in patients receiving conservative treatment at Viet Duc hospital in 2022" with the purposes of: Describe the clinical features and paraclinical features of liver injury patients treated conservatively at Viet Duc Hospital in 2022; evaluate the relationship between the clinical and paraclinical features and the severity of liver injury patients treated conservatively.
82p dianmotminh05 20-06-2024 6 3 Download
Describe the clinical and paraclinical features of PJ pneumonia in HIV/AIDS patients. Determination of PJ genotype and its correlation with clinical and paraclinical features of PJ pneumonia in HIV/AIDS patients.
34p angicungduoc6 21-07-2020 14 0 Download
The thesis has the following objectives: Describe the clinical and paraclinical characteristics of adnexal ocular lymphoid proliferations; reviews the results of treatment of adnexal ocular lymphoid proliferations.
29p change02 06-05-2016 33 2 Download