Paradoxical interactions
Technology - development investment and firm Productivity in developing countries. This paperemp irically investigates the impact of IT facilities and develop ment investments on labor productivity to test the “productivity paradox ”, the interaction eff ects off irm-level contextual factors on this relationship , and the determinants of productivity for Vietnamese enterp rises.
21p tranminhluanluan 28-05-2018 23 1 Download
The serine endopeptidase elastase-2 from human polymorphonuclear leu-kocytes is associated with physiological remodeling and pathological deg-radation of the extracellular matrix. Glycosaminoglycans bound to the matrix or released after proteolytic processing of the core proteins of pro-teoglycans are potential ligands of elastase-2.
10p mobifone23 21-01-2013 56 5 Download