Pilot plant
Municipal wastewater treatment plants generally utilise biological activated sludge processes to remove organic compounds and nitrogen. The biological nitrogen removal (BNR) occurs in two steps, nitrification (ammonium removal) and denitrification (nitrates removal). This study focused on a medium-sized wastewater treatment plant (WTP) which experienced poor nitrification for years, mainly when the weather temperature drops.
125p runthenight07 01-03-2023 10 3 Download
NGHIÊN CỨU SẢN XUẤT PHÂN BÓN ĐẶC CHỦNG CHO CÂY TRỒNG Ngô Văn Nhượng, Nguyễn Huy Phiêu, Lương Quỳnh Chúc Summary Studies on manufature effectiv fertilizers for plant The fertilizers containing organic compound and mineral nutriment and stimulant of plant was made up, which have effect for reduction in fix of phosphorus in soil. The obtained results affirm that the process of preparation is suitable. A pilot production is being carried out.
4p heoxinhkute12 25-03-2011 199 55 Download