Precision force measurement
Force measurement is very vital in various scientific applications and its precise measurement is very necessary for reliability of the measurement process. There are several types of simple shaped force transducers, which may range from ring shaped force transducers to cantilever type or beam type force transducers.
11p tohitohi 19-05-2020 8 0 Download
Why do proteins adopt the conformations that they do, and what determines their stabilities? While we have come to some understandingof the forces that underlie protein architecture, a precise, predictive, physicochemical explanation is still elusive. Two obstacles to addressing these questions are the unfathomable vastness of protein sequence space, and the difficulty in makingdirect phy-sical measurements on large numbers of protein variants. Here, we review combinatorial methods that have been applied to problems in protein biophysics over the last 15 years.
14p dell39 03-04-2013 62 3 Download