Prices for beds
Embankment crest and the toe: that is limited to the scope of protection of the embankment on the shore. Roof slope: expressed as the ratio, for example 1:3. Roof more comfortable (less steep), the embankment as a protective effect, but the price will be more expensive (for large embankment surface). Structure and size of the overlay: Overlay roof design must be capable of against the effects of currents, waves, etc. Conventional coatings include removable components assembled together. Gap between them so that water inside to escape, to avoid the effects of water pressure in the soil....
38p thachthaoxanh 23-08-2011 48 5 Download
Pricing and guessing the right prices are vital for both hosts and renters on homesharing plat-form from internet based companies. To contribute the growing interest and immense literatureon applying Artificial Intelligence on predicting rental prices, this paper attempts to build ma-chine learning models for that purpose using the Luxstay listings in Hanoi. R2 score is used as the main criterion for the model performance and the results show that Extreme GradientBoostings (XGB) is the model with the best performance with R2= 0.
44p hoanghung9393 28-08-2020 12 3 Download