Private higher education
This thesis extends research on marketing communication and promotional mix strategies. Extant literature reveals that there is a dearth of academic research and literature on marketing communication, promotional mix, and IMC in Lao PDR HEIs. Promotional mix is defined as a form of marketing communication consisting of advertising, publicity, sales promotion, direct marketing, personal selling, events, and sponsorships. Promotional mix tools have been employed as a significant component of marketing communication strategies.
196p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 3 Download
This article aims to determine management support, the quality of accounting information systems and the quality of accounting information. The method used in this research is descriptive and verification method (verificative research).
7p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 33 5 Download
This study aimed to explore the impact of the factors played by those colleges (management behavior, college status, and staff behavior) to overcome their lack of students by lengthening the period of the student in the college.
9p guineverehuynh 20-06-2020 10 2 Download
India requires successful and sustainable private universities to meet its Higher Education goals. This study proposes a framework covering dimensions for achieving success and sustainability of a private university governed as a social enterprise.
16p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 7 1 Download
The Market for Higher Education: Economic Analyses of College Choice , Returns , and State Aid Policy A thesis Present I find suggestive evidence, however, that her estimates, from a sample of public school students, are upward biased by selection into private schools. Moreover, an investigation of the sampling variability of Hoxbys estimates leads to the conclusion that her standard errors are understated, and that even her own point estimates of the competitive effect are not significantly different from zero....
215p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 63 9 Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT STUDENTS IN THAI PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS This idea forms the basis of my empirical strategy. In essence, I compare the sorting parameter θ * in equation (3) across metropolitan housing markets with greater and lesser degrees of residential school choice. Let θ =θ(c,δ)= E[θ *|c,δ] be the average effectiveness sorting of markets characterized by the parameters c and δ , where c is the degree of jurisdictional competition (i.e.
170p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 98 10 Download