Protected areas and development
Objectives: The objective of the thesis is to analyze the relationship between agricultural and forestry production and the use of basic natural resources in the concentrated area of Thai ethnic people in Son La province in terms of a socio-economic perspective. Since then, orienting to build some effective agricultural and forest production models and proposing solutions to develop agriculture and forestry towards sustainable use of natural resources.
24p tunelove 10-06-2021 22 2 Download
Subjects and scope of the dissertation are a system of 6 reservoirs (Ka Nak, An Khe, Ayun Ha, H'nang, Ba Ha and Hinh) and the flood flow regime on the Ba River basin. The thesis focuses on developing inter-reservoir operation principles to mitigate flood damages, protect downstream area, and ensure efficiency of water use.
27p change04 08-06-2016 58 5 Download
They clam approximately 500 species, widely distributed in coastal intertidal zone of tropical temperate countries. Our country has about 40 species of 7 breed groups, distributed along the coast from north to south. Northern coastal areas have clam oil (Meretrix lime), clam password (Meretrix llusoria Rumplius). Southern coastal areas have clam (Meretrix lyrata Sowerby). Clams are mollusks team has great potential in the tide country. Culture technique is not complicated, short cycle, investment less valuable export.
46p xinh_la 10-02-2012 71 9 Download