Providing health care services
Workplace violence is a critical challenge across healthcare services and aged care facilities in Australia and internationally. It has been argued that violence at work represents the highest recorded reason for clinician submission of formal complaints to management across Australian healthcare services.
311p runordie3 06-07-2022 15 2 Download
Thesis contributing a part of clarifying the theoretical basis of the role of the State in general and in the provision of health care services in particular; the additionally theoretical basis for application of PPP in the health care services provision.
27p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 49 4 Download
The foundation of human health rests on healthy, stable ecosystems. Our biotic environment provides us with the fundamentals necessary for healthy lives—food, water, oxygen, warmth, light, and fuel. Earth's ecosystems also supply the raw materials for our health-care services. The global fraying of ecosystems has grave implications for our health and our ability to treat illnesses, now and in the future.
166p haiduong_1 28-02-2013 72 4 Download
Cheryl B Stetler*1, Lynn McQueen2, John Demakis3 and Brian S Mittman4 Address: 1Independent Consultant, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, 2Office of Quality and Performance, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington DC, USA, 3(Retired) Health Services Research and Development Service, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC, USA and 4VA Center for the Study of Healthcare Provider Behavior, Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, California, USA Email: Cheryl B Stetler* -; Lynn McQueen - Lynn.McQueen@va.
11p toshiba23 11-12-2011 70 4 Download
Address: 1Veterans Affairs (VA) Health Services Research and Development (HSR&D) Center of Excellence for the Study of Healthcare Provider Behaviour, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Sepulveda, CA, USA and 2Department of Health Services, UCLA School of Public Health, Los Angeles, CA, USA Email: Elizabeth M Yano -
15p toshiba23 11-12-2011 41 2 Download
Candice C Bowman*1, Elisa J Sobo2, Steven M Asch3, Allen L Gifford4 for the HIV/Hepatitis Quality Enhancement Research Initiative Address: 1Health Services Research & Development, VA San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, California, USA, 2Department of Anthropology, San Diego State University, San Diego, California, USA, 3Center for the Study of Healthcare Provider Behavior, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, California, USA and 4Center for Health Quality, Outcomes, and Economic Research, VA New England Healthcare System, Bedford, Massachusetts, USA Email: Candice C B...
13p toshiba23 11-12-2011 41 2 Download
Table 116-4 Standards for Immunization Practice Child and Adolescent Immunization Practice 1. Immunization services are readily available. 2. Vaccinations are coordinated with other health care services and provided in a "medical home" when possible. 3. Barriers to vaccination are identified and minimized. 4. Patient's costs are minimized. 5. Health care professionals review the vaccination and health status of patients at every encounter to determine which vaccines are indicated. 6. Health care professionals assess for and follow only medically accepted contraindications. 7.
6p thanhongan 07-12-2010 97 6 Download