Quality transport system
Proposing models and solutions for the management of the PT system in Haiphong city in the stage of planning, operation and exploitation. Create a quality transport system that is convenient, manageable, attractive and meets the demans for travelling in the present and the future.
27p petsematary 05-06-2021 19 5 Download
The content of the thesis includes 5 programs presenting research overview and theoretical basis of factors affecting the quality of accounting information system; research methods, research results and discussion of research results and recommendations.
0p caygaocaolon10 19-02-2021 36 3 Download
The paper presents a brief description of an automated system, designed to control coal quality in accordance with the specified parameters of the waste rock content owing to obtaining, collecting, processing and storing information from primary instruments, using a radioisotope measuring method.
5p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 30 2 Download
“Designing the quality management model of passenger transport service (QMMPT) by railway in Vietnam” is studying to provide solutions development QM system, meeting urgent needs for the innovation of management system for railway transport (RT) in Vietnam.
14p change05 08-06-2016 54 2 Download