Quantum numbers
Random numbers are a crucial component of any encryption activity in modern cryptography. Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNGs) produce truly random output strings to replace pseudo-random ones. The principle of QRNG relies on measuring qubit states, which excel in quantum computing applications, particularly on IBM's quantum computing platform. T
15p vibecca 01-10-2024 1 0 Download
Recent years have witnessed high levels of activity in identifying enzyme systems that catalyse H-transfer by quantum tunneling. Rather than being restricted to a small number of specific enzymes as perceived initially, it has now become an accepted mechanism for H-transfer in a growing number of enzymes. Furthermore, H-tunneling is driven by the thermally induced dynamics of the enzyme. In some of those enzymes that break stable C–H bonds the reaction proceeds purely by quantum tunneling, without the need to partially ascend the barrier.
7p system191 01-06-2013 40 3 Download
A catalytic turnover of supercoiled DNA (scDNA) transformation medi-ated by topoisomerases leads to changes in the linking number (Lk) of the polymeric substrate by 1 or 2 per cycle. As a substrate of the topoisomeri-zation reaction it is chemically identical to its product; even a single catalytic event results in the quantum leap in the scDNA topology.
8p dell39 27-03-2013 33 4 Download
Given a holomorphic vector bundle E over a compact K¨hler manifold X, a one defines twisted Gromov-Witten invariants of X to be intersection numbers in moduli spaces of stable maps f : Σ → X with the cap product of the virtual fundamental class and a chosen multiplicative invertible characteristic class of the virtual vector bundle H 0 (Σ, f ∗ E) H 1 (Σ, f ∗ E). Using the formalism of quantized quadratic Hamiltonians [25], we express the descendant potential for the twisted theory in terms of that for X. ...
40p noel_noel 17-01-2013 57 7 Download
We consider a specialization of an untwisted quantum affine algebra of type ADE at a nonzero complex number, which may or may not be a root of unity. The Grothendieck ring of its finite dimensional representations has two bases, simple modules and standard modules. We identify entries of the transition matrix with special values of “computable” polynomials, similar to Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials. At the same time we “compute” q-characters for all simple modules. The result is based on “computations” of Betti numbers of graded/cyclic quiver varieties.
42p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 51 7 Download
The characteristics lines in X-ray spectra result from electronic transitions between inner atomic orbitals. The X-ray spectra for most heavy elements are much simpler than the UV/Vis spectra observed in ICP-OES, for example. (Only a few lines!!!) Big difference between X-ray and UVVis: The radiation is ionizing, and doesn’t just excite electrons to higher levels. Moseley’s law: Predicts the basic relationship of atom number and the frequency of the characteristic lines
24p qdung92ct 03-07-2012 79 16 Download
Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học về toán học trên tạp chí toán học quốc tế đề tài: On the quantum chromatic number of a graph...
15p thulanh6 15-09-2011 64 2 Download
Có 4 loại số dùng để mô tả các electron trong một nguyên tử. Mô hình của Borh là mô hình một chiều đã dùng một số lượng tử để mô tả về các electron trong nguyên tử. Chỉ có kích thước của quỹ đạo là quan trọng và đã được mô tả bằng số lượng tử n.
6p blue_dreams567 08-07-2009 1055 109 Download