This study discusses the readability of Arabic texts among the upper primary pupils in Al-Amin Islamic Primary School (SRI), Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. This study of readability has a role for documentation to facilitates the Ministry of Education, teachers, policymakers, textbook writers, and the related people in other fields.
9p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 16 2 Download
roductoin managers perform the classic functions of management: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. They also have to keep up with changing technology, monitor costs, and meet budgets. The five most common are inadequate planning and preparation, production, prepass and printing, and distribution. There are four important concepts when selecting type: readability, appropriateness, harmony or appearance, and emphasis. A key is copy casting, knowing ow to fit type into a particular space in a layout....
18p camnhung_1 07-12-2012 87 4 Download
13 Clarity and Maintainability CERTIFICATION OBJECTIVE • Writing Clear and Maintainable Code 2 Chapter 13: Clarity and Maintainability CERTIFICATION OBJECTIVE Write Clear and Maintainable Code Now that you’ve made your code readable, does your easy-to-read code actually make sense? Can it be easily maintained? These are huge issues for the exam, worth a very significant chunk of your assessment score. We’ll look at everything from class design to error handling. Remember that you’re a Team Player.
17p dmptit 04-11-2010 73 8 Download