Red River delta
Evaluating the growing, developing and agronomic characteristics of several inbred maize lines in order to select successfully the researched maize family which is early mature and cold endurable, high yield and high combination possibility for maize variety breeding and selecting affairs with cold-endurability and high yield; evaluating the agro-biological characteristics, genetic diversity between lines, creating a hybrid combination with cold-endurability and high yield.
27p guitaracoustic09 14-01-2022 19 2 Download
Studying mutual effects between localities in the Red River Delta in attracting FDI. From the research results, the author proposes a number of solutions so that the provinces can maximize the benefits of FDI attraction of the Region through the mechanism of cooperation and association instead of competing with each other as in the past.
13p gaocaolon12 14-06-2021 17 2 Download
On the basis of clarifying the basic theoretical and practical issues of inspection quality of the provincial and municipal Party inspection committees in the Red River delta in the current period; To propose major solutions to improve the quality of inspection work of the provincial and municipal Party Inspection Committees in the Red River delta up to 2030.
27p kethamoi11 02-04-2021 34 5 Download
The content of the thesis is to determine the extent and trend of these factors affecting the intention to participate in rice crop insurance of farmers in the Red River Delta region; providing views, solutions and recommendations to promote participation in rice crop insurance of farmers.
13p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 30 1 Download
This thesis applies the following research methods: Statistics, information collection and summarization; investigation of current situation by drawing and photographing, sociological investigation; professional method; analysis, synthesis, induction, comparison; forecast.
25p trinhthamhodang7 31-08-2020 34 3 Download
The thesis purpose is to research, establish the theoretical basis and the status of ensuring RCWA in rural areas from the practice of provinces in RRD; thence, proposing solutions in order to ensure RCWA towards sustainable development.
27p trinhthamhodang7 27-08-2020 34 2 Download
To study the theoritical and practical bases on promoting the natural capital for regional social – economic development, applying for the Red River Delta and basing on this study’ results to recommend and propose the solutions for effectively promoting natural capital for the social – economic development in the period of 2021–2030.
22p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 23 2 Download
Management accounting was early studied worldwide. According to some researcher, the term management first appeared in the USA in the early 19th century.
27p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 21 2 Download
The general objectives of the study are to clarify the theoretical basis of the retail system of staple goods of enterprises in association with specific rural areas and to propose some solutions to improve the retail system of staple goods of Vietnamese enterprises in rural areas of Red River Delta region.
26p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 26 3 Download
The purpose of the thesis provides orientation and solutions for tourism development in southern Red River Delta’s provinces towards sustainable development.
27p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 26 1 Download
The thesis studies the theory and practice of rural residents 'participation in new rural construction and the relationship between rural residents' participation and the results of new rural construction in the Red River Delta.
0p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 32 2 Download
The dissertation researches and systemize theories of state management on special national relics; practical analyzing, evaluating and building up scientific arguments in order to propose solutions to perfect state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta
14p quenchua 28-09-2019 26 1 Download
The thesis aims to complete the scientific basis of agricultural restructuring in the relationship of sustainable agricultural development for localities; point out the inadequacies, the causes of those shortcomings and propose orientations for development of agricultural restructuring towards sustainable development.
0p dungmaithuy 17-09-2019 16 4 Download
Theoretical and practical issues on the effectiveness of local budget spending; factors affecting effectiveness of the local budget spending.
0p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 25 2 Download
Research objectives: On the basis of theoretical and practical research, the thesis proposes management solutions to developing CLCs for constructing a provincial learning society and socioeconomy in the Red River Delta in the beginning period of building a learning society in Vietnam. The development management of CLCs is to manage the development of education institutions at commune/ward level.
27p change03 06-05-2016 56 6 Download
The thesis was undertaken to build a scientific basis for the solution of agricultural development towards sustainability in the Red River Delta in Vietnam.
27p change01 05-05-2016 41 5 Download
Objective of the project: Assess of current status of tomato production in Red River delta in recent years, drawing techniques and strategy need to be improved; evaluate some imported hybrid tomato varieties that are suitable for Red River delta with good adaptation, high productivity, good disease resistance in order to contribute to diversity of tomato varieties; establish technical guidelines of production for selected varieties; build a production model of hybrid tomato in off-season with large scale in some locals of Red River delta.
27p fujijudo87 07-07-2014 98 4 Download
Objectives of the dissertation: Applying marker assisted selection method to develop inbred - elite rice varieties which shown a stability of brown planthopper resistance in the Red River Delta areas.
28p fujijudo87 07-07-2014 59 6 Download
Objectives: Identifying the salinity tolerance and phenotype of the rice lines which carrying the Saltollocus (donor plant), imported from International Rice Research Institute, as well as selecting the popularly grown rice cultivar were used as the recipient plant Applying marker assisted backcrossing (MABC) to pyramid salinity tolerance Saltol locus into Bac Thom 7, in order to generate the high quality rice variety with salinity tolerance for growing the coastal areas in Red River Delta.
27p fujijudo87 07-07-2014 97 7 Download
This project aims to increase the productivity and profitability of potato production in the Red River Delta (RRD) through an integrated crop production and marketing program. The project is a co-operative research and extension program between the Food Crops Research Institute (FCRI), Agriculture Western Australia and Curtin University. Improvements in productivity and net returns will be achieved by training Vietnamese agronomists and extension agents in the methodologies used by the potato industry in Western Australia (WA)....
12p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 67 3 Download