Research in Generation companies
This research explores whether Environmental Management Accounting can be applied to assist an Australian cogeneration company in improving both its financial performance as well as its environmental performance. Cogeneration or 'combined heat and power', in this particular case, involves the simultaneous production of heat and electricity using a single fuel, that is, natural gas. The heat generated is then used to produce steam to meet the customers' requirements as well as boost the production of electricity.
247p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 3 Download
The research "Impact of carbon pricing on voluntary environmental disclosures of electricity generating sector: a multi country analysis" objectives include: 1) To identify the voluntary environmental disclosure pattern of companies operating in carbon pricing countries; 2) To identify the voluntary environmental disclosure pattern of organisations operating in non-carbon pricing countries; 3) To assess the quantity and quality of voluntary environmental disclosures of companies from different countries; and 4) To assess the implementation of G4 sustainability reporting guidelines by the se...
141p runthenight04 02-02-2023 5 2 Download
The thesis assesses the impact of mastery leadership style, intellectual capital and absorption capacity on process innovation in power generation enterprises.
0p trinhthamhodang8 20-10-2020 24 1 Download
The thesis studies the nature of motivation within challenge and enjoyment; influence and impact level of challenge and enjoyment on creativity; The role of regulating leadership style empowerment.
0p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 45 4 Download
For hundreds of years, business people have been transmitting their wisdom generation to generation. In the middle 1990’s companies started to create units focused in managing their knowledge. Nowadays, Knowledge Management is still a relatively new discipline focused in developing the main competitive advantage that organizations have: the intellectual assets. Organizations recognise that Social Media can be enormously used to influence their customers. However, they exactly do not know how to confront this new tool.
87p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 44 6 Download
The aim of this dissertation is to gain an understanding of recruitment and selection practices in the Irish IT sector. With the proliferation of technology, SMEs in the IT sector are a major economic driver. In Ireland, SMEs account for $10 billion annually and employ more than 900,000 people.
94p nguyenyenyn117 17-06-2019 71 8 Download
Overview of the research situation oversea: Oversea reseaches have just limited to functional areas of power generation. The implementing BS at corporation’s subsidiaries in general and at electricity corporation’s subsidiaries is the direction that has not been researched much and has much space for researching.
24p change01 05-05-2016 37 3 Download