Screening problems
Drug-resistant Tuberculosis (DR-TB) is challenging public health problem in countries with high tuberculosis prevalence and limited resources. Developing and applying the most appropriate and effective methods for diagnosing DR-TB from clinical samples is necessary, allowing a more rapid detection method for large-scale screening.
7p vifaye 20-09-2024 2 1 Download
Whether your screener scalps, removes fines, or grades material, the machine’s failure can have costly consequences. A torn or otherwise compromised screen can force you to reprocess material, scrap it, or even recall off-spec product. This article will present some of the common causes of such screen problems and possible solutions
4p tuansy1122334455 22-09-2012 92 5 Download
Concept of User Interface The user interface is the part of the system that you see, hear and feel (look and feel) Other parts of the system are hidden to you, for instance the database where information is stored. Although users don’t see the hidden parts, they imagine to some extent what is going on ’behind the screen’. Examples When you use a computer, you give it orders, usually by means of the mouse and the keyboard. The computer replies, usually by showing something on the screen or making sounds.
65p thanh_k8cntt 13-09-2012 66 7 Download
Prevalence of severe mental distress and its correlates in a population-based study in rural south-west Uganda Eugene Kinyanda1*, Laban Waswa1, Kathy Baisley2 and Dermot Maher1,2 Abstract Background: The problem of severe mental distress (SMD) in sub-Saharan Africa is difficult to investigate given that a substantial proportion of patients with SMD never access formal health care. This study set out to investigate SMD and it’s associated factors in a rural population-based cohort in south-west Uganda.
9p thulanh29 17-12-2011 53 3 Download