Secret writing english
The teacher puts a box full of words on the board. The words fit together to either make one long sentence or lots of short sentences. The class is divided into strong groups and weak groups. The strong groups write down one long sentence while the weak ones write down as many different short sentences as possible. For stronger groups, the sentence with the most words in the given time is the winner. For weaker groups, the group with the most sentences is the winner.
8p namson94 20-07-2012 201 60 Download
Etiquette is a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good etiquette” Do people respond to your emails in the way you want them to? Or do they seem to ignore them, or miss important information? And are you sure that you're making the best possible impression with your emails?
13p nhatro75 09-07-2012 208 63 Download