Securing your network
Used to connect two private networks together via the Internet Used to connect remote users to a private network via the Internet This could be done by opening your firewall to the LAN networking protocols (NETBIOS, NFS NetWare, AppleTalk)) But… it would also make those protocols available to any one on the Internet and they could come into your LAN at will Effectively make the whole Internet your LAN Exposes all of your data Anyone can easily take advantage of vulnerabilities in your internal hosts No privacy Better solution is to use a VPN in conjunction with your firewall ...
18p muathu_102 28-01-2013 83 4 Download
You don’t have to know all of the details You do need to know your system What services it is providing What protocols are involved What vulnerabilities is has How to minimize the risks
18p muathu_102 28-01-2013 39 1 Download
cacls /T /E /G administrator:F d:\users\*.* Cacls will add Full Control for the adminsitrator account all files and subfolders in the Users folder of the D:\ drive. cacls /T /E /R Everyone d:\users Cacls will remove all permissions for the 'Everyone' group in all files and subfolders in the Users folder of the D:\ drive. Be sure to use the /E switch when you are just making modifications to a specific account or group. Without the /E switch, your settings will replace the current security with only what is specified. ...
19p muathu_102 28-01-2013 28 2 Download
Part of an overall Firewall strategy Sits between the local network and the external network Originally used primarily as a caching strategy to minimize outgoing URL requests and increase perceived browser performance Primary mission is now to insure anonymity of internal users Still used for caching of frequently requested files Also used for content filtering Acts as a go-between, submitting your requests to the external network Requests are translated from your IP address to the Proxy’s IP address E-mail addresses of internal users are removed from request headers Cause an actual brea...
15p muathu_102 28-01-2013 79 4 Download
Hundreds of Thousands of $$$ Worth of Network Equipment can be Rendered Junk in a Flash! The issue of protecting networks from security breaches has attracted considerable attention but organisations also need to guard against environmental risks such as lightning. Damaged or destroyed equipment, which is integrated into manufacturing or data storage processes, can cause physical damage, as well as high consequential losses due to downtime. Lightning strikes can also delay production due to data loss and damage process control computers or computer-based warehouse and storage systems.
2p qd-tek 28-04-2010 81 3 Download