Social and economic transformation
The first findings from research are expected to propose recommendations that will help bridge the gaps between the two urban settlement models in terms of legal, physical and psychological aspects towards sustainable development.
18p vifilm 24-09-2024 4 1 Download
Academic Institutions offering higher education in Arts and Science Colleges are undergoing a process of change is similar to that of business organisations, more particularly during the last few decades when the industries have to confront hectic competitions.
8p guineverehuynh 20-06-2020 36 3 Download
Econometrics (economic measure) can be defined as a social science in which economic and mathematical knowledge are co-present in the analysis of economic phenomena. Knowledge already taught in secondary mathematics education must be transformed into tools for modeling phenomena of economic in reality. In this paper, we are going to explain the difficulties of students when they have to mobilize the two objects of knowledge: The slope of the straight line and the logarithms.
10p vinhbinhnguyen 14-06-2017 34 1 Download