Software project scheduling
Lecture Software Project Management describes the tools to efficiently coordinate and automate the various project management component processes. Project management software generally offers extensive reporting features, such as dayto-day status updates of project progress, scheduling and dependency trees, and system-generated alerts when schedules slip beyond pre-set tolerances.
419p bachkhinhdaluu 03-12-2021 17 2 Download
The research provides answers to the above questions with probabilistic approaches and tools to assess the impacts of risk factors on software project scheduling; proposing list of common risk factors and Bayesian Network model of these risk factors; and proposing advanced scheduling methods based on incorporating Bayesian Networks into popular scheduling techniques such as CPM, PERT or agile iteration scheduling etc. Bayesian Networks help quantify the factors, and hence help better manage them as well as enhancing the predictability of things happen in the project.
132p nguaconbaynhay12 18-06-2021 18 3 Download
The software crisis is usually defined in terms of projects running over budget and over schedule, though an equally important aspect is the poor quality of software measured in terms of its correctness, reliability and performance. The consequences of releasing faulty software into service may be devastating in safety-related applications, telecommunications and other areas. When the USA telecommunications system failed and half of the nation was isolated, lives and property were clearly put at risk....
18p tienvovan 11-09-2010 74 5 Download