Spatial consideration
This body of work is the culmination of a part-time five year investigation into the use of mirroring in digital art composition and its potential to generate affective intensity.The research has occurred through a series of installative works and artefacts produced with digital media in which mirrored operations have been employed in a variety of different ways. The aim of these explorations was to develop and articulate a compositional approach based in acts of mirroring, with the aim of extending affective invitations to the viewer.
108p runthenight05 01-03-2023 10 3 Download
ROTHE TIME-DISCRETIZATION METHOD APPLIED TO A QUASILINEAR WAVE EQUATION SUBJECT TO INTEGRAL CONDITIONS ABDELFATAH BOUZIANI AND NABIL MERAZGA Received 27 January 2004 and in revised form 12 February 2004 This paper presents a well-posedness result for an initial-boundary value problem with only integral conditions over the spatial domain for a one-dimensional quasilinear wave equation. The solution and some of its properties are obtained by means of a suitable application of the Rothe time-discretization method. 1.
25p sting12 10-03-2012 41 7 Download