State budget management
Through the study of theory, current situation and factors affecting the state budget management of Hanoi Department of Finance, the thesis proposes scientific and practical solutions to improve State budget management activities of Hanoi Department of Finance.
29p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 24 2 Download
The thesis aims to provide scientific arguments for competence state agencies to amend, supplement and complete the management of state budget investments for science and technology development funds in Vietnam by raising the quality and effectiveness of these funds to promote research activities and contribute to social-economic development. The thesis also serves as precious reference materials for research institutes and universities for their research and training activities.
27p bibianh 25-09-2019 34 3 Download
Determinant of the factors influencing tax compliance of enterprises in Dong Nai province. Vietnam tax industry has carried out a new tax management mechanism which is tax self-declaration and self-payment. With this mechanism, tax payers self-declare their taxes, self-calculate their tax payables and self-pay their taxation to the state budget.
17p tranminhluanluan 26-05-2018 54 2 Download
Research purpose of this dissertation is to research systematically the state management scientific basis for State budget-funded investments projects for higher education & training and postgraduate education & training in Vietnam. On that basis, it is to establish and propose viewpoints, solutions in order to enhance efficiency of the State management on State budget-funded investments projects for higher education & training and postgraduate education & training meeting new requirements and tasks in the educational career development of the country.
27p change08 27-06-2016 64 8 Download
Research purpose of this dissertation is to research systematically the state management scientific basis for State budget-funded investment projects for Higher education and Postgraduate education in Vietnam. On that basis, it is to establish and propose viewpoints, solutions in order to enhance efficiency of the State management on State budget-funded investment projects for Higher education and Postgraduate education meeting new requirements and tasks in the educational career development of the country.
26p change06 14-06-2016 43 3 Download
The thesis is based on hypotheses that current provisions on Decentralization of State budget management in Vietnam today is not relevant and insufficient, the effectiveness of State budget management is then not high. Therefore, the researching purpose and task of the thesis is to gather information, prove and find solutions for more appropriated decentralization of budget management in Vietnam, bringing higher effectiveness in the management of State budget.
27p luanan014 17-07-2014 96 8 Download