Stateless Session Bean
Session Objectives: Identify the constituents of an Enterprise, JavaBean, define a bean class, EJB object, home interface, home object and deployment descriptors, define a stateless session bean, write programs related to stateless session beans, compile and deploy stateless session beans.
30p xaydungk23 27-10-2014 60 5 Download
Session Objectives: Define a Stateful Session Bean, list the characteristics of a Stateful Session Bean, write Stateful session bean programs, differentiate between Stateless and Stateful Session beans.
23p xaydungk23 27-10-2014 39 2 Download
This chapter identify the constituents of an Enterprise JavaBean; define a bean class, EJB object, home interface, home object and deployment descriptors; define a stateless session bean; write programs related to stateless session beans; compile and deploy stateless session beans.
30p youcanletgo_04 15-01-2016 87 5 Download
Learning objectives of this chapter include: Define a Stateful Session Bean, list the characteristics of a Stateful Session Bean, write Stateful session bean programs, differentiate between Stateless and Stateful Session beans.
23p youcanletgo_04 15-01-2016 47 4 Download