Stock market evidence in Vietnam
This research aims to study the disclosure of accounting information and factors affecting the disclosure process, as well as the impact disclosure has on listed companies' competitive advantages. Based on the results, the author would suggest several recommendations to improve the level of disclosure of information in order to boost competitive advantages.
27p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 20 4 Download
The main objectives of this thesis are to investigate thoroughly SEOs in the context of emerging market with Vietnamese stock market case. This objective serves to fill the gap of literature lacking in this region. Besides, it is among the first study in Vietnam to focus on many aspects of SEOs in terms of determinants of company’s SEOs motivation, market reaction and determinants of market reaction to company’s SEOs.
183p chumeorocky 10-01-2018 67 11 Download
The research objectives are investigating and analyzing the determinants of financial statement quality by the measuring earning quality of companies listed on stock market - evidence in Vietnam. On the basis of the above information, some recommendations are proposed for people who use, create and manage the quality of financial statements of companies listed on the stock market of Vietnam.
28p change08 30-06-2016 48 8 Download