Summary of the PH.D Literature Thesis
Objectives of the study: the western – eastern discourse of Pham Quynh and Nhat Linh. The scope of the study: All the documents surveyed in this thesis (see: References).
27p tunelove 10-06-2021 13 5 Download
Research purposes: The thesis is done with the purpose of studying the phenomenon of bilingualism in Vietnamese literature from the tenth century to the end of the nineteenth century. On the other Chinesed, through the phenomenon of bilingualism in Vietnamese medieval literature, the thesis enriches certain insights about the relationship between the phenomenon of bilingualism and writing forces, type as well as language in Vietnamese medieval literature and phenomenon of bilingualism in some regional countries.
27p tunelove 10-06-2021 10 3 Download
Objectives of the thesis: Based on the results of the survey on the situation of Vietnamese language teaching and lexical competence of students in Ia Grai - Gia Lai, the thesis is carried out with the purpose of proposing solutions to develop the lexical competence of Jrai students (through teaching topics, practice exercises and other supportive measures), thereby improving the quality of learning Vietnamese language and developing Vietnamese communication competence for Jrai ethnic minority students.
32p tunelove 10-06-2021 40 3 Download
Subject of the research: In order to implement this topic, we focus on examining all the historical novels of Lan Khai that have been published and reprinted before 1945. From there, point out the characteristics of creative inspiration, artistic conception, the world of characters, characteristics of genre, methods and means of expression, personality forte in the creativity of the writer.
27p thebadguys 08-06-2021 16 3 Download
This study contributes to the literature of ownership structure and corporate governance and provides an evidence for SOHC as a positive ownership and monitoring mechanism in improving corporate governance and firm performance in companies with State-owned capital in Vietnam.
31p extraenglish 26-05-2021 13 3 Download