Summary: Nàng là cô gái như thế nào? Khờ khạo? Dịu dàng? Nhí nhảnh đáng yêu? Hay bướng bỉnh? Sao nàng đối với hắn ngọt ngào thế? Sao lại lo cho sức khỏe của hắn? Nàng yêu hắn? Hắn có yêu nàng không? Tại sao hắn lại có những cảm giác như thế với nàng, mà khi ở bên các cô tình nhân khác, hắn không có?
22p conmuachieunhoem15 31-05-2013 54 4 Download
Besides introduction and conclusion, this thesis consists of 3 chapters. Chapter 1. Overview of Bose-Einstein condensate. Theory of BECs.Chapter 2. Interfacial tension and wetting phase transition in the system of BECs limited by one hard wall. Chapter 3. Finite-size effects of interfacial tension in the system of BECs limited by two hard walls.
28p cumeo2009 24-07-2018 43 2 Download
Supervisors are the people who execute and maintain organization’s standards. They are also the link between senior managers and staffs. Supervisors not only monitor staffs’ performance but also are responsible for customers’ dissatisfaction and employees’ low spirits and productivity. In summary, the supervisor is an important and difficult job.
31p thaicucquyen 14-07-2010 377 101 Download
EE360 – Lecture 5 Outline • Announcements: – Revised lecture 4 slides (minus typos) posted – Paper summary deadlines: 4/27, 5/23 – Project deadlines: Abstract 5/11, quá trình report 6/6 • • • • • MAC kênh truyền Phân chia
35p feteler 27-11-2012 28 1 Download
Dùng để thể hiện giao diện web. Tất cả các class HTML control chứa trong namespace System.Web.UI.HtmlControls HTML S l là -Server control những tag HTML tạo ra. Duy trì tương thích với các tag HTML cũ. Thêm vào thuộc tính run at = “server”. Tất cả HTML Server Control phải được đặt trong
51p impossible_1 14-11-2013 75 14 Download
With the adoption of sustainable tourism approach tourism and travel industry will be brought to a leading position for leveraging rates of employment and regional development and it will be ensured that Turkey becomes a world brand in tourism and a major destination in the list of the top five countries receiving the highest number of tourist and highest tourism revenues by 2023.
53p lalala02 06-11-2015 59 3 Download
Bài giảng Lập trình WebForm: Validation control gồm có những nội dung trình bày sau: Chức năng validation cho việc data input, quá trình validation trên web form, các validation control: Required field validator, compare validator, range validator, regular expression validator, custom validator, validation summary.
39p nhanmotchut_4 01-11-2016 94 6 Download
Chương 7 - Kế toán hoạt động thương mại và xác định kết quả kinh doanh (Merchandising activities & income summary). Sau khi học chương này, người học có khả năng hiểu và thực hiện các nội dung sau: Quy trình hoạt động cơ bản về giao dịch mua bán hàng hóa của doanh nghiệp thương mại, phương pháp phân tích và ghi nhận bút toán các giao dịch mua và bán hàng hóa, trình bày thông tin cơ bản về kết quả hoạt động mua bán hàng hóa.
96p hihihaha2 03-12-2016 39 6 Download
Lecture "Marketing management - Chapter 2: The marketing plan" presentation of content: Marketing planning - format, executive summary, tools for situation analysis, marketing strategies, marketing implementing,.... And other contents.
45p bautroibinhyen11 03-01-2017 66 5 Download
Bài giảng Quản trị Linux: I/O redirection gồm có những nội dung chính sau: Simple redirections, advanced redirection features, filters, summary. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo để biết thêm các nội dung chi tiết.
27p nomoney12 04-05-2017 59 4 Download
Lecture "Probability & statistics - Chapter 3: Numerical summary" has contents: Data measurements, locations, variability measures, shape, arithmetic mean, compare the mean, mode, quartile, range, variance & standard deviation.... Invite you to consult the content.
40p abcxyz123_07 19-03-2020 22 1 Download
Bài giảng "Công cụ kiểm thử phần mềm - Bài 5: Báo cáo kiểm thử phần mềm" cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Bug report, test summary report, vòng đời lỗi phần mềm. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.
23p nanhankhuoctai9 20-07-2020 51 9 Download
Research objective: Identify appropriate methods and procedures to assess loss and damage to mangrove ecosystems in Ca Mau Cape National Park related to climate change; assess the loss and damage to the mangrove ecosystem in Ca Mau Cape National Park related to climate change and propose solutions to minimize.
31p myhouse02 23-11-2024 5 1 Download
Research objective: Assessing economic loss due to ecosystem degradation in Phu Quoc under the impact of climate change based on theory and practice thereby proposing solutions to reduce economic loss in this area caused by climate change.
27p myhouse02 23-11-2024 2 1 Download
The general purpose of the study "Development of overseas Vietnamese goods distribution system" is to contribute to supplementing the reasoning, analyzing the current situation and proposing solutions to develop the overseas Vietnamese goods distribution system.
27p xuanphongdacy05 17-09-2024 5 1 Download
This research has foundations in collaboration; the collaboration of ideas, agreement on requirements and harnessing of benefits. This is fitting for a research subject since research shares the same virtues. In this section a summary of the research will be provided. The summary will briefly explain the origins of the research, how the research was proposed. It will then provide a synopsis of the research methodology and application. The qualitative research case studies will be explained and the quantitative research discussed.
179p runthenight07 01-03-2023 10 3 Download
The aim of this project is to provide a summary of the current knowledge on energy recovery options from wastewater treatment plants sludge and/or biosolids. This covers technologies as well as data from case studies and research experimental results. The focus of the study is the ATP. The project methodology comprised two stages. The first stage involved a review of the current literature.
166p runthenight07 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
This thesis is comprised of eight chapters. Following this introductory chapter, Chapter 2 provides a summary of literature relating to OHS accountability and examines issues relating to OHS performance management. Chapter 3 presents a review of stakeholder, legitimacy and institutional theory literature. The research method employed is discussed and justified in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 presents the results of the stakeholder survey and in doing so describes stakeholder demand for OHS disclosure.
312p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 3 Download
This thesis consists of seven chapters. Chapter 1 provides a brief summary of the background of the study in addition to a discussion of the importance of safety, the evolution of aviation safety, an overview of the research context, the research objectives and questions, the significance of the research, and the structure of the thesis. Chapter 2 discusses military safety and in particular, the Indonesian military. Chapter 3 presents a literature review of culture in general and safety culture in particular, and the literature referenced to support the research questions.
244p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
The thesis is structured as follows: Chapter 1 reviews the literature and outlines the importance of blood, clinical use of blood, current methods of blood collection including alternative methods and the benefits of DBS. Chapter 2 summaries the overall methods used in the project. Chapter 3 explains the utility of hemaPEN® from both the collection and analytical perspective. Chapter 4 expands on the HCT bias associated with standard DBS method. Chapter 5 expands on the use of DBS in other fields such as genomic and epigenomics.
164p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download