[ team lib ] creating custom forms
[ Team LiB ] Recipe 7.10 Creating Custom Columns in a Windows Forms DataGrid Problem You need to create a DataGrid having columns with custom formatting and attributes. Solution Use the DataGridTableStyle class. The sample code contains two event handlers
4p luvpro 04-08-2010 120 16 Download
[ Team LiB ] Creating Custom Forms Although the standard Outlook forms are often good enough, there are times when you'll wish the form had different fields. You might want to remove some of the default fields, add some of your own, or just rearrange what's there. You might want to create a boilerplate message to use in response to inquiries, or preaddress a message form to a group of people with whom you often correspond. You can do all of this and more using custom forms. You can create templates and forms containing boilerplate text by editing the fields...
11p chutieuchuathieulam 23-07-2010 126 12 Download