Telecommunications network management
This short book is my answer to their question. This book will reference modern research, but it is not a book for scholars. This book will contain information that will benefit English teachers, but it is not a book for teachers. This is a book for you, the student. In my reading, much of the literature concerning language acquisition theory and research are designed for teachers.
225p blackjame2008 22-04-2010 341 213 Download
The objective is to replace progressively voice communication for air traffic management by data communications services for safety reasons and because it supports increased automation in the aircraft and on the ground
28p hanampro91 10-05-2013 97 11 Download
In line with the rapid growth of telecommunications networks in recent years, there has been a corresponding increase in the level of network complexity. Consequently, it is now generally accepted that advanced computer aided simulation and analysis methods are essential aids to the management of large networks. The 1990s will be recalled as the decade of business process re-engineering
19p tienvovan 11-09-2010 98 6 Download
Corporate Networks Although large multi-national companies can afford to employ specialist ‘telecommunications managers’, smaller companies individuals and are less privileged. For these latter groups, telecommunications are often just another subsidiary responsibility either a computer services for manager or even the general business manager. Nonetheless all telecommunications managers can affectthewayinwhichtheircompaniesoperate.Inthischapterweshalldiscusshow.
16p huggoo 20-08-2010 79 5 Download
Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) The goalof the ‘telecommunications management network’o r ‘ T M Nis to provide for consistent and efficient management of complex telecommunications networks. The T M N model describes the basic operating and management functionswhich a network operator has to conduct and the standard interfaces to be used between network components and network managementsystems.
15p huggoo 20-08-2010 58 5 Download